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他会在任何人群中脱颖而出。He'd stand out in any crowd.

他的才华使他从普通人群中脱颖而出。His brilliance raised him above the ruck.

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一说,我脱颖而出泰森道斯先生。One that stands out to me is Mr. Tyson Dawes.

黑人设计师斯蒂芬巴罗斯脱颖而出。Black designer Stephen Burrows steals the show.

成功来自脱颖而出,而非曲意迎合。Success comes from standing out, not fitting in.

那么,你该如何从激烈的竞争中脱颖而出呢?So just how do you stand out from the competition?

但到了1992年11月,他在大选中脱颖而出,一举夺魁。In November 1992, he won the presidential election.

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很多公司实行90天的试用期,如果员工在试用期表现满意的话,可以从试用期名单中脱颖而出,成为正式员工。Many companies use aninety-day probationary period.

你的简历中有这些关键词,你将会脱颖而出。If your CV has these keywords you could be considered.

鲜明的主题定位能使一个主题乐园脱颖而出,与众不同。Stronger theming helps to make a park more distinctive.

沿街乞讨竞争也很激烈,但美国一位流浪汉却用一种独特的办法脱颖而出。Begging on the streets is a competitive business, it seems.

陈炜教授从全美近300名教授中脱颖而出获得此奖。Chen was selected from nearly 300 professors in the country.

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这个游戏鼠标的前身从普通需求中脱颖而出。The granddaddy of all gaming mice is back by popular demand.

想想为什么你能从评选标准中脱颖而出。Think about how you can stand out according to the criteria.

但是以HTML5形式存在的移动网络视频近期有望脱颖而出。However, there is hope for mobile web video in the form of HTML5.

一个人民的干部从政府内部脱颖而出。There is a new cadre of people coming to the fore within government.

新表面效果与处理从扎染潮流中脱颖而出。New surface effects and treatments have emerged from the tie-dye trend.

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是什么让极客一族的老妈们从传统的妈妈堆里脱颖而出的?What is it that sets a Geek Mom apart from the mundane mass of mothers?

一乐顺利在竞聘中脱颖而出,成了宣传科长。A music goes well in the competition, become a propaganda section chief.

又如何在今天盼繁复杂的广告竞争中脱颖而出呢?How can the complexity of today look forward to ad-fan competition does?