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与气候变化相关的疑案A climate change-related mystery

警察成功破解了这个疑案。Police have succeeded in solving the mystery.

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这项情报可能有助于查明那件疑案。This information may shed light on me mystery.

警察最终成功破解了这个疑案。The police have finally succeeded in solving the mystery.

那刺探认为那把丢失的枪是侦破这宗疑案的线索。The detective believes the missing gun is the key to the mystery.

警察出乎意外地找到了那疑案的答案。Quite accidentally, the police tumbled on the answer to the mystery.

真出乎意外,警察偶然找到了那疑案的答案。Quite accidently the answer to the mystery came tumbling into the police's lap.

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1927年王国维自沉事件,成为现代中国文化史上聚讼纷纭的一大疑案。Wang Guowei since 1927, a modern Chinese cultural history Jusong diverse a Mystery.

不言而喻,这其实是一个可以反反覆覆争辩不休的问题,可谓文学界先有鸡还是先有蛋的一桩疑案。Of course, it's a tail-chasing question to begin with, a literary chicken-or-egg riddle.

至少目前来说,苹果狂热的粉丝团似乎更愿意疑案从无。So far at least, Apple's cult-like fan base seems willing to give the company the benefit of the doubt.

伦敦塔也是伦敦最著名的一起神秘事件的出事地点,那起事件称为塔内王子的疑案。The Tower was also the scene of one of London's most famous mysteries, known as the mystery of the Princes in the Tower.

虽然警方称他们为见证人,但认为这几个人出现在英国,可能是解决这件疑案的关键。While describing them only as witnesses, police believe their presence in the country could hold the key to the mystery.

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骑警巡佐贾斯伯追踪疑案来到默多克的管辖区,在看似意外的事件中发现了谋杀的端倪。Rangers magical mystery tour with murdoch jurisdictions to track, in the seemingly accidental incident found murdered clue.

达海奉命改革老满文的时间问题,是满族史研究中的疑案之一。One of the mysteries of Manchu research is the time when Dahai conducted the reform in the old Manchu language under orders.

政府在去年九月对陈同志进行的无视,就社保基金丑闻的疑案对他进行了逮捕。The government came down on Mr. Chen last September, arresting him on suspicion of involvement in a huge municipal fraud scandal.

著名文学评论家、复旦大学郜元宝教授将为您破解现代文学史上的八宗疑案。Famous literary critics, fudan university GaoYuanBao professor will provide you cracked modern literature history of the eight mystery.

三一九无疑仍是一个「疑案」,陈义雄的故事绝对不能混充交代,连吕秀莲也不能接受。The 319 Shooting Incident remains a mystery. Chen Yi-hsiung's role must not be left unexplained. Even Annette Lu finds this unacceptable.

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王实甫杂剧中让后人聚讼纷纭的逾墙疑案,揆之具体情境和它的源流,应该是不成其为问题的。It is evident that the over-wall love story in this opera by Wang Shifu has its source of subject matter in the above mentioned two works.

吕秀莲的现身说法,当然未能「破案」,但毕竟更加确立了三一九枪击案仍然是「未破疑案」的地位!Annette Lu coming forward may not crack the case. But she has reminded everyone that the 319 Shooting Incident remains an unsolved mystery.

这些组被一次两两邀请被给与20分钟解决一个想象中的谋杀疑案,依赖编造的证据和对侦探面谈。The teams were brought in two at a time and given 20 minutes to solve an imaginary murder mystery, relying on made-up evidence and detective interviews.