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正在天球上一个特地的检验考试产死了。On earth a special experiment takes place.

现在我们看到的这个叫魔天球,也叫魔健球。Now what we have in hand is called sky ball or fitness ball.

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天球------装饰辅材的名牌缔造者!Tianqiu the famous brand founder of decorating guidance material.

那是确切产撕媚工做,便正在您投进人间化身天球的时间。This is exactly what happens when you plunge into incarnation on earth.

它与天球相交处形成一个大圆-黄道。Its intersection with the celestial sphere will be a great circle -the ecliptic.

您,正在天球有着物量的身材减进物量体验的人类。You, a human of Earth were created as a physical being to engage in a physical experience.

天底天球上,在观测者垂直向下的一点,与天。A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith.

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宏观宇宙和微观宇宙都得到重建,无论是天球或是分子和晶体都开始显形。Macrocosm and microcosm are recreated, both the celestial sphere and molecular and crystalline forms.

天球上标识出了脉冲星和和超新星遗迹,因为科学家们相信它们都会发射出引力波。Pulsars and Supernovae are shown on the sky because scientists believe they emit gravitational waves.

半天球被黄道,天赤道或地平圈分成两半的天球的一半…Either half of the celestial sphere as divided by the ecliptic, the celestial equator, or the horizon.

根据卫星星历和时间数据计算卫星在天球坐标系中的坐标。Based on satellite ephemeris and time data of the satellite coordinates of the celestial coordinate system.

赤经计算的起点为春分点,相信你仍记得春分点是天球赤道和黄道的其中一个相交点。Recall that vernal equinox is one of the two intersection points of the celestial equator and the ecliptic.

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一个己假如正在月明上渡过了十两地,归到天球当前便会发明一暮年未经由来了。A man spending twe lv e days on the moon would find, on returning to the earth, that a year had passed by already.

那需供除夜量的时分战充足成撕媚灵魂才气够大概体验您们正在天球母亲所体验的。It takes a lot of time and maturity for a soul to be able to experience what you are experiencing on Mother Earth.

在天球里,太阳的活动周期也反映在月亮的盈亏圆缺和相对应的潮起潮落的月运周期。Beneath the heavenly sphere this solar cycle is mirrored in the lunar cycle of wax and wane and tidal ebb and flood.

天球上的一个点,太阳和月亮构成的系统看上去都在相对于这个点运动。The point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars.

位于南天球,经常被拿来和北天球绰号旋涡星系的M51相比。M83, located in the Southern Hemisphere, is often compared to M51, dubbed theWhirlpool galaxy, in the Northern Hemisphere.

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如果你对着屏保看一天,上面的星体也将在24小时内围绕天球旋转一圈。If you watch over the period of a day you will see that they move around the celestial sphere once in a period of 24 hours.

该链接,把您们的心毗连到天球的智能,战您们的止星所正退化死少着的上浇产程。This link through your heart connects you to Earth's wisdom and the process of ascent that your planet is evolving through.

这个小而黯淡、在天球上离大麦云不远的钻石状星座,常常被人小瞧了。This tiny, bleak and diamond-shaped constellation, not far on the sky from the Large Magellanic Cloud, is often overlooked.