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瞧瞧月亮的侍女。Behold the handmaid of the moon.

侍女低头痴笑着。The maid lowered her chin and simpered.

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那位侍女压低下额傻笑着。The maid lowered her chin and simpered.

爱的侍女是我们终身的朋友。Love's handmaids are our life-long friends.

爱的侍女是我们终生的朋友。Love's handmaids are our life –long friends.

这样,侍女们只得又到猪倌那儿去一趟。So the ladies were obliged to go to him again.

这侍女便为之悲恸,泪珠如夜露涔涔。Which makes the maid weep like the dewy night.

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侍女还在哭,发出单调的抽泣声。The maid, still in tears, sniffed monotonously.

亲吻你,亲爱的侍女,为人声和钢琴而作的三重唱民歌。The Kiss, Dear Maid, folk song for voice & piano.

她也是所有侍女中个子最高的一个。She is also the tallest of all of the handmaidens.

她担心旅馆里的侍女弄错了。She dreaded lest the chambermaid had been mistaken.

所有的侍女都在她床边哭泣。All her ladies-in-waiting are crying beside her bed.

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把自己的妻子当侍女,你也是仆人。Treat your wife like a servant-girl, you're a servant too.

啊,这花做得多么精巧啊!”侍女们齐声说。"Oh, how prettily it is made! " said all the court ladies.

我又揿了一下门铃,一名侍女紧绷着脸把门开了。I rang again and a maid with a sullen face opened the door.

加尼米德不爱人间的女子,他深深爱着的是宙斯神殿里一位倒水的侍女。The only woman he deeply loved was the cup-bearer for Zeus.

宙斯非常喜爱海伦,尽管她只是一个侍女。Zeus was in favor of Helen even though she was just a maid.

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汉宫侍女暗垂泪,沙上行人却回首。Palace maid dark cry, but looking back on the sand pedestrians.

酒吧间侍女坚决地拒绝再给他添酒。The barmaid had positively refused to draw him any more liquor.

这样,侍女们只得又到猪倌那儿去一趟。everything to me." So the ladies were obliged to go to him again.