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喝令三山五岳开道。Let the mountains make way.

孔子就是五岳独尊的泰山吗?。Is Confucius the paragon of Mount Tai?

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这声音响彻三山五岳。The voice resounded across the heavens.

反问五岳剑派上灵鹫来为何。Ask for the five sword spirit griffin to why.

引导学生说出中国的五岳名山。The Huangshan Mountain is very famous in China.

三杯吐然诺,五岳倒为轻。Three cups spit promise, the five mountains fall into light.

它是中国五岳之一,在古代被称为西岳。Nanyue mountain is one of the five most famous mountains in China.

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五岳剑派组成正义联盟,与魔教抗衡。Mountains of sword send justice alliance, and the teaching counter.

泰山在山东是中国五岳之一。Mount Tai in Shandong province is one of China's five sacred mountains.

它是中国五岳之一,在古代被称为西岳。Five Mountains in China, and once called the West Mountain in ancient times.

李白说“三杯吐然诺,五岳倒为轻。”Li said that "three cups of spit promise, back to Light Five Sacred Mountains."

如泰山是五岳中最东的一座,因而名为东岳。For example, Tai Mountain is called "East Yue" as it is the easternmost one of the five.

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岳不群假仁假义的说了几句冠冕堂皇的话,便当上了五岳派的掌门。Yue not the cluster is always spoke a few words of grandiose, lunch on the sent five owners.

今天我向各位介绍号称我国五岳之首的泰山。Today I would like to introduce Mount Tai, the most revered one of China's five sacred mountains.

论坛在道教五岳之一的湖南衡山附近举行,近500人与会。Heng in Hunan Province, one of Daoism's five holy mountains, and was attended by 500 participants.

方证和方生说了一番便是要令狐冲在八月十五的时候争取当上五岳剑派的掌门。Party card and FangSheng said a is to make fox blunt in August 15 to the mountains when sword pie superior.

五岳的稳健成长是五岳广大客户与每一个员工的共同期望。The steady development of Wuyue Corporation is the common expectation of Wuyue's consumers and its personnel.

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泰山是五岳之一,古名“岱宗”,春秋时始称泰山。Taishan is one of five mountains, the ancient name "Zong", the beginning of Spring and Autumn Period, said Tarzan.

林冲抢到五岳楼看时,见胡梯上一个年少后生把娘子拦住了不放。When Lin Ch'ung arrived at the Building of Five Mountains, he saw a young man blocking his wife's way at the stairs.

谨以此机会,向所有关心,支持五岳公司的各界朋友致以衷心的感谢。I wish to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to those who care for and support Wuyue Corporation.