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凸透镜是用来放大图像。Convex glass is used to magnify an image.

平面镜、凸透镜和凹透镜。Plane mirrors, convex lens and concave lens.

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能够产生放大图像的单个凸透镜。A single convex lens is used to produce an enlarged image.

正象双凸透镜可以放大那样,双凹透镜也可以缩小。Just AS a double convex lens enlarges, so a double concave lens reduces.

介绍一种测量平行光管内凸透镜焦距的测量方法。In this paper, a measuring method of convex lens foci in collimator is given.

凸透镜中心部分比周围要厚,它使光线会聚。A convex lens is thicker at its center than its periphery. It causes rays to converge.

本发明的装置由反应器,搅拌器、凸透镜和紫外光源共同构成。The apparatus is comprising of reactor, mixer, convex glass and ultraviolet light source.

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用于中、小光学球面凹凸透镜的成盘或单件抛光加工。For medium and small spherical convex lens into the optical disk or a single piece polishing.

配戴低度凸透镜可降低小学生近视的发生率。Wearing lower degree convex lens can reduce incidence rate of myopia in primary school students.

结论配戴低度凸透镜可降低小学生近视的发生率。Conclusion Wearing lower degree convex lens can reduce incidence rate of myopia in primary school students.

目的探讨低度凸透镜预防小学生视近的效果。Objective To investigate the effect of lower degree convex lens on preventing myopia of primary school students.

另一种是一个线型波带板和一个圆型波带板的组合,效果相当于一个凸透镜和一个柱面透镜的组合。It acts as a two-cylindrical lens system. The other is prepared by overlapping a line-type zone plate and a circular zone plate.

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本文详细地介绍了如何运用视差现象研究凸透镜的成象规律。This paper, in detail, introduced how to study the rule of image construction for biconvex lens by using the method of vision difference.

而在另一个实施例中,鞘套在其远端包括凸透镜用于由摄像头使用以获得所述体腔的图像。In yet another embodiment the sheath includes at its distal end a convex lens for use by a camera in obtaining images of said body cavity.

分析了处于负温度状态系统的特征,并将其与薄凸透镜成像特征作类比,阐明了应用类比法讲授负温度状态的优越性。The characteristics of negative temperature state system were discussed, and compared with the image-forming behavior of thin convex lens.

利用平-凸透镜准直器作扩束耦合光学系统,采用低频斩光器实现光调制。This sensor featuring plane-convex lens collimator for expanding beam and coupling, and a low frequency for light pulse modulation is introduced.

这件事情像一面凸透镜,聚焦了人性的美丑,也凸显了“从心选择”的强大力量。Convex side of this matter, like, focused beauty and ugliness of human nature, but also highlighted the "Select from the heart, " a powerful force.

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复合显微镜包括两个短焦距凸透镜,即位于镜筒两端的物镜和目镜。The compound microscope consists of two convex lenses with short focal length, the objective and eyepiece lenses, fitted at opposite ends of a tube.

这种热释电红外传感器采用正弦波电流发生器和电磁线圈产生电磁力驱动凸透镜进行微幅摆动。This sensor adopts a sine-wave current generator and a magnetic coil to produce electromagnetic force that drives the convex lens to swing slightly.

普通物理实验中,牛顿环干涉实验只考虑在凸透镜与平面玻璃之间形成空气薄膜下的干涉现象。In interference experiments with Newton's ring, considered only is the interference of the air film formed between the convex lens and the plain glass.