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宣战的文告是1687年8月公布的。The declaration was published in August 1687.

国王签署了逊位的文告。The king signed the instrument of abdication.

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总统签署了退位的文告。The President signed the instrument of abdication.

朝廷发布文告,下令招兵买马,榜文到涿县,引出了三位英雄。After a royal edict to recruit soldiers in Zhuozhou, three heroes surfaced.

与其说它是技术官僚的估评,倒不如说更像一种宗教文告。And it's more like a religious proclamation than a technocratic assessment.

这一点,也是你们同意的,见之于你们领导人的文告。You agree with us on this point, as indicated in your leaders' proclamations.

刘华才在周一文告中呼吁政府推出更多措施,以打击贪污和杜绝滥用权力案件。Lau urged the government to introduce more measures to fight corruption and abuse of power.

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总统奥巴马指出妇女历史月在他的总统文告等不公平现象。President Obama noted such inequities in his Presidential Proclamation for Women's History Month.

沙米利批准文告,并签署命令,应派遣到全国各地。Shamil approved the proclamation, signed it and decreed that it should be dispatched to all parts.

文告重申,除了步履蹒跚之外,泰王的饮食和其他情况都正常。Statement reiterated that, in addition to falter, the king's diet and other conditions are normal.

承认以色列的文告是美国人在还不知道这个新国家叫什么名字的时候就拟好的。Israeli admitted that the statement is in the Americans do not know the name of the new country to be a good time.

刊登一种真诚欢迎任何新筹组扶轮社的文告,并鼓励地区内的扶轮社员去访问他们。Provide a cordial message of welcome to any newly organized clubs and urge Rotarians in the district to visit them.

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越多的电子图书、产品说明、公司文告、网络资料、电子邮件开始使用PDF格式文件。The more e-books, product descriptions, the company statement, the network information, e-mail to start using PDF format.

然后在1966年总统约翰逊签署了一项总统文告,宣布第三周日的6月,作为父亲节。Then in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day.

泰国警方证实这次突击查封的行动,表示它们广播污辱泰王的非法文告。Thai police confirmed the raid seized the initiative and expressed their illegal broadcasts insult the king's proclamation.

西安市曲江新区管理委员会和西安市规划局拥有本次方案征集相关文告的解释权。Xi an Qujiang newly developed area Management committee and Xi an planning bureau reserve the right to explain the project.

本篇论文将依据英国女王伊利莎白一世和英国国王詹姆士一世所颁布的政令文告来探讨这些议题。This paper will investigate these issues based on the evidence found in the proclamations issued by Elizabeth I and James I.

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纽卡斯尔今天发表文告,会在本周曰对垒西汉姆的比赛中向纽卡斯尔足球学院小将佐顿汤姆申作哀悼。Newcastle United have announced today that they will pay tribute to young Academy star Jordan Thompson at Sunday's game against West Ham United.

作为一种公文,檄文由纯军事性文告演变成文学欣赏的对象是在汉魏六朝时期。As a kind of archives, Xiwen style changed from a kind of pure military declaration to an object of literary justice in the Han &Wei six dynasties?

总部设在休斯顿的大陆航空发表一份文告,称初步数据显示这架飞机上有44名乘客和4名机组人员。Houston-based Continental Airlines issued a statement saying that preliminary information showed the plane carried 44 passengers and a crew of four.