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蒙娜丽莎在微笑,但似笑非笑。Mona lisa is smiling, but more than a smile.

布伦先生抬起头,似笑非笑地看过来。Mr. Bullen looks over at her and half smiles.

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他带着一种奇怪的似笑非笑的表情向后靠在椅子上。He gave a strange half laugh and leaned back in his chair.

是达芬奇有意营造这么一个“似笑非笑”的效果吗?或许吧。Did da Vinci intend to create this flickering smile effect?Perhaps.

“那是我的工作,”我告诉他,似笑非笑地,仿佛开玩笑一样。"It's my job, " I tell him, half smirking, as if I'm in on the joke.

不要被这些和蔼的眼神和似笑非笑的表情所迷惑。October 27, 2009-- Don't be fooled by the kindly eyes and half smiles.

“这就是那个地方,”他最后说,嘴唇掠过一抹似笑非笑的表情。"This is the place, " he said at last, a kind of smile forming on his lips.

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我们是嫉妒她繁星闪烁的夜空,还是喜悦那似笑非笑的光线?Do we envy, just for the night starry. Were we happy, facing the shining smirky.

似笑非笑的,总裁大人打断了对方。Smile don't smile of, chief executive officer's adult interrupted the other party.

“打起来才好呢。”柳夫人捧起茶盏,面上似笑非笑地道了一句。"Is blowing just nice. "Madam holds up a tea, on the noodles smile don't smile tunnel 1.

还有许多毫无表情、似笑非笑的脸,也是他在家里常常看见的。In addition, he also frequently encountered a number of expressionless, enigmatic visages.

即使看它的复制品也会产生同样的效果——似笑非笑。Gazing at a reproduction of the work produces the same effect. Now she's smiling, now she's not.

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伊雪似笑非笑的说,这女子的性格,说实话,她很喜欢。Yi snow smile don't smile of say, the individuality of this woman, tell the fact, she likes very many.

不冷不热地一句从老班的嘴里迸出,但传入我们耳中,让我们捉摸不透,老班那似笑非笑的面孔更让我们心惊胆寒。Neither hot nor cold to a class from the old mouth, but into our ears, let us unpredictable, the old class that made us face heart scared scared.

我似笑非笑地看着面前那人,一线溢出的琉璃清光蛐刃,堪堪地折射在黢黑的眸心,“合罕。”I smile don't smile ground apt seeing by in front that person, the azure stone of front line spillage clears out Qu blade, may may the ground refract dark Mou heart by the Mao, "mate rare."