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你上一次写草书是什么时候?When was the last time you wrote cursive?

人们同样可以按主题搜索他的草书评语。One can also search his scribblings by subject.

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草书是创作灵感的最佳载体。Cursive is the inspiration for the best carrier.

香料与草书艺术的信件你喷枪。Spice up your airbrush art with cursive letters.

我已经不记得如何用草书去写大写的‘Z’了。I can't remember how to write a capital Z in cursive.

或者应该问,你知道“草书”这个词是啥意思不?In fact, do you even know what the word "cursive" means?

评价相当高,尤以草书为最。Evaluation is very high, particularly for the most cursive.

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正楷和半草书则主要是用来书写。Regular and semi- cursive script is mainly used for writing.

僧人草书的缺陷使得其影响非常短暂。IV. The limitation of monk cursive script makes its influence brevity.

写得快一些的话,还有行书和草书。For those who are writing very fast they have semi-cursive and cursive script.

我已经告诉很多,我非常混乱草书,但人们爱我的打印。I've been told by many that I have extremely messy cursive, but people love my print.

脚本面临的目的是模仿草书手写或使实际的笔迹。Script faces are designed to mimic cursive handwriting or are made from actual handwriting.

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了解如何在此免费视频剪辑约祛除喷枪草书字母开始。Learn how to make cursive letters in this free airbrushing video clip about beginning to airbrush.

传统的中国书法有篆体、隶书、楷书、草书。The seal, clerical, regular and cursive scripts are all used in the Chinese calligraphic tradition.

脱机手写体识别是字符识别中的难点之一,日文中的平假名类似于中文的手写体草书。Hiragana is similar to Chinese cursive writing which is a difficult topic in character recognition field.

现在你也可以试着用草书写下相同的句子,看下笔迹学家对你是怎么评论的。Try writing the same sentence now in cursive, then read on to see how graphologists might characterize you.

书体涉及了隶术、楷书、行书、草书、大字和小字等内容。Book body involved scribe surgery, regular script, running script, cursive, characters, and small print and so on.

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快速和方便的参考…新补充的基础和草书斜体全面审查和首都部分。Quick and easy reference New supplementary section with a complete review of basic and cursive italic and capitals.

中晚唐书坛出现了一个特别的书家群体——草书僧。During China Middle and late Tang Dynasty a peculiar colony has appeared in calligraphy circles -Cursive script monk.

草书是中国传统书法当中的一种,它笔锋圆转,笔势相连,实际上就是一种名副其实的简体汉字。The running- and cursive-hand in Chinese calligraphy has always been the most radical form of simplifying characters.