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早动身,易从容,早开始,早成功。Early start makes easy stages.

他从容轻松地沿路行步。He was ambling along the road.

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说话从容些,不要急急忙忙,不要含糊其辞!Take your time and don't gabble!

乱云飞渡仍从容!Clouds scud past still unhurried!

乱云飞渡仍从容!Clouds scud past still unhurried !

他从容地走上了讲台。He calmly stepped onto the platform.

现在我从容的接受批评。Now I take criticism right in stride.

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还有这两位美能否从容应战?Or can these two hotties work it out?

时间之神温雅从容,索福克勒斯如是说。Time is a gentle deity, said Sophocles.

她从容而缓慢的提起衬裙。As she lifted her petticoat easy and slow.

从容的让我从心尖上发出尖叫。Easily make me to scream from my heart tip.

从容的让彼此走出彼此的世界。Let's go out or each-other's world leisurely.

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他在情况危急时,态度从容,镇定自若。He showed himself calm in an emergency situation.

他虽然很紧张,然而仍表现地镇定自若,从容冷静。He was very nervous, yet calm cool and collected.

他从容地走着,既不左顾也不右盼。He moved steadily, looking neither left nor right.

我从容优雅抵达了风吹的最高点I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace

如果你从容不再,于是你便匆忙了。If you are not being gentle then your are rushing.

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您可以从容地添加更多来源类型图标。You can add more source type icons at your leisure.

娜麽。应该学会坚强·并从容惪去面对!。Well, it should be strong and learned to calmly face.

他靠在椅子上开始从容地进行他的演讲了。He leant on the chair and began his lecture at leisure.