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中等量心包积液。Moderate amount of pericardial effusion is noted.

可能在腹膜或心包内发生出血。Bleeding may occur in the peritoneum or pericardium.

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用粗针头进行心包穿刺时,没有抽出血液。Pericardiocentesis with a wide-Bore needle yielded no Blood.

拔除脚骨后、心包引沈管。After wiping out foot bone, the pericardium direct the Shen tube.

心包积液指心包积存了心包液。Pericardial effusion is a collection of fluid in the pericardium.

酒精再处理后牛心包的热皱缩温度下降。After ethanol postincubation, the shrinkage temperature decreased.

不提倡术前大量扩容及心包穿刺。Preoperative massive transfusion and pericardiocentesis are not advocated.

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心包积液也能由感染引起,所积液体为脓液,但很罕见。Rarely pericardial effusion can be caused by infection and consist of pus.

其胸部电脑断层片也指出食道癌及心包膜腔积气。A chest computed tomography showed esophageal cancer with pneumopericardium.

目的探讨B超引导下心包穿刺诊治心包积液的价值。Objective To investigate the clinical value of B-Us-guided pericardiocentesis.

有少量胸腔积液,没有心包收缩的证据。There was a small pleural effusion and no evidence of pericardial constriction.

她半睡半醒地翻了个身,一片缓缓蠕动的黑暗渐渐将她的心包围起来。She turned drowsily on her side, a slow creeping black ness enveloping her mind.

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因此,心包通常被认为是心的附属。For this reason, the pericardium is usually regarded as an attachment to the heart.

补入大的牛心包片模拟室壁瘤。Suture a large bovine pericardial patch to simulate acute left ventricular aneurysm.

在心包腔里没有炎症仅有出血,称作心包积血。Without inflammation, blood in the pericardial sac would be called "hemopericardium".

目的总结心脏、心包包虫病的影像学表现。Objective To summarize the imaging findings of cardiac and pericardiac echinococcosis.

心包穿刺引流是解除心包填塞简单、安全、有效的方法。Pericardiocentesis is a simple, safe and effective therapy for acute cardiac tamponade.

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下段食管癌可侵及心包、膈肌、贲门及肝脏左叶。Under esophageal carcinoma can invade and liver, diaphragm, liver and cardiac left lobe.

心包膜壁层相邻的三个立方上皮细胞之间,存在较大的孔隙。Among three consecutive cuboidal cells of the parietal pericardium seems to exist a pore.

方法本文报告经手术与病理证实的心包囊肿38例。Methods 38 cases with pericardial cyst confirmed by operation and pathology were reported.