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新官新法。New lords, new laws.

他发明了一种制丝新法。He invented a smart story.

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在阿拉巴马州,新法甚至可能会受人们心照不宣的欢迎。In Alabama, it might even be tacitly welcome.

新法也会使积案不再增长。The law will also stop the backlog from growing.

济南新法“夫妻可互查对方财产”。Spouses in Jinan can check each other's property.

新法还赋予它们提出诉讼的权利。The new law also grants them the right to litigate.

中国的工会职责在新法里有很大变化。China's trade unions could be transformed by the law.

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早在这个丑闻浮出水面以前,新法就开始长久的公开辩论了。The new law had been publicly debated long before the scandal surfaced.

最后以等边直伸导线为例导出其平差公式,并举例说明新法取权的优点。Finally, an example to explain the advantages of the new method is given.

也许我们应该换个新法。听说过“好警察,坏警察”吗?。Maybe we should try a new tactic . Have you heard of "good cop , bad cop " ?

但是一些人认为新法对公众安全的好处显而易见。To some, however, the public-health benefits of the new legislation are irrelevant.

这项新法也遭受一些非巫术界人士的抨击。The law has also been criticized by a number of people in the non-magical community.

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为快速计算该情况下的轮断计算,本文应用低阶更新法进行求解。In order to calculate the break in turn in this situation, low-rank update method is proposed.

此一新法是由双频式测距法改良而来。The distance vectors are available in a distance map made by the Euclidean Distance Transform.

总统的顾问专家为何会对新法可能产生的结果如此判断失误?Why did the president's experts so markedly misjudge the myriad potential consequences of the new law?

与临州佐治亚类似,新法将加强对雇佣未注册工人的雇主惩罚。As in neighbouring Georgia, the penalties for employers who hire undocumented workers will be stiffened.

安装新埋管,把新卡环和新法兰套进新埋管里,用螺栓螺母与法兰固定。Install new lower barrel, place new snap ring and new flange on the new lower barrel, fixed by bolt nut.

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短短几年之内,这部新法导致美国的社会和经济风貌发生改变。Within a few years, the new law served to change the social and economic landscape of the United States.

甚至在新法实施前,中国人就善于利用各种现行法规中有关侵权行为的条例。Even before the new law took effect, the Chinese were adept at using the existing patchwork of tort laws.

信春鹰说,新法体现了党和国家对食品安全工作的高度重视。Ms. Xin said that the new law 'reflects that the party and the state place a lot of value on food safety.