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加入少量的牛奶和糖,味道更佳。Add sugar and milk to taste.

在汤里放少量盐。Put a little salt in the soup.

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那有多少量公共汽车?How many buses are there? Nine.

路边有少量的车。There are few cars on the road.

放少量的盐巴到汤中。Put a pinch of salt into the soup.

把少量威士忌掺进你的茶。Dash your tea with a little whiskey.

和那些少量金属元素一样,自然界里铋生成量很少。Bismuth occurs very rarely in nature.

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那天,她还涂了少量的红色唇膏。She also wore a hint of red lipstick.

少量的水能解渴。A small amount of water reduces thirst.

理什也编辑了此书,但只做了少量改动。Lish edited that book too, but lightly.

类似于兔草,但其头状花序有花盘和少量的边花。The flower head of any of these plants.

这个法术召唤少量行刑吏。This spell summons a handful of Lictors.

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锻打后并未打磨,有少量损耗。Slight weight loss with no polishing yet.

这蛋糕混合料中含有少量苏打。The cake mixture contains traces of soda.

只要付少量的钱就能买到水这样大的礼物。Small amount to pay for the gift of water.

无糖谷物及少量牛奶和水果。Unsweetened cereal with skim milk and fruit

回火组织中出现少量贝氏体。The tempered structure had a little bainite.

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我很忙,除非我很幸运只有少量功课.I’m busy unless I’m blessed with less lesson.

不带印刷油墨。可以含有少量磨木浆。May contain a small percentage of groundwood.

然而,少量紧张的迹象正在出现。Yet a few signs of skittishness are emerging.