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请参阅关于物化查询表的小节。Refer to the section on Materialized Query Tables.

编辑活动是对人类实践活动的真知灼见的物化。Editor's activities penetratingly judge man's practice.

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教育物化问题的实质是什么?What is the essence of the materialization of education?

信仰接触又体现为物化的景观。Religious contacts developed into objectified landscapes.

建筑常常被外部特征而物化。Architecture is often objectified by its external characters.

它是编织、机织、刺绣品物化的共同“源头”。It is the common source of braiding, weaving and embroidering.

汉语名物化与英语有很大不同。Nominalization in Chinese is very different from that in English.

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悉力事情不会招致物化!“不过何必去冒险呢?"Hard work never killed someyphysique. " But why take the risk? "

虽然这不见得是物化,那它就没有问题了么?Even if it's not exactly objectification, isn't it still problematic?

佛寺是佛教的物化形式,是佛教的象征。Buddhist temple is Buddhisms transformation form, is Buddhisms symbol.

名物化是语法隐喻的重要手段。Nominalization is the main source in which grammatical metaphor arises.

第三章讨论了名物化转换的各种类型。The third chapter explores the types of transference in nominalization.

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那么在通俗文化中男人女人同样都被性物化。we’d see men and women equally sexually objectified in popular culture.

名物化是过程或事件的非一致表达形式。Nominalization is the incongruent way of expressing processes or events.

第二阶段,物化理论的激进的马克思主义时期。In the second period, Georg Lukács'Reification Theory is radical Marxist.

物化是鹿鸣设计和营造过程的概括。Materialisation is the epitome of the design and building process of Luming.

这种物化查询表中的数据是由用户维护的。The data in this type of materialized query table is maintained by the user.

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庄子“物化”论具有三重内涵。Zhuangzi's theory about"the transformation of things"has three connotations.

名物化现象在语言系统的各个层面都有。Nominalization is a common phenomenon at different levels in language system.

所有骨都是由活的细胞组织,包容在矿物化有机质中,并构成骨。In the cure of osseous tissue affection , inorganic carrier are commonly used.