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她昨天施舍了一些钱。She booned away some money yesterday.

他的施舍行为表现出他的宽宏大量的性格。His charity bespeaks a generous nature.

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不接受任何的施舍和代替。Do not accept any hand-outs and replace.

向贫困的人施舍,并祈求安拉承领你的施舍和祈祷。I pray you would not ever have to do so.

在我见到的人中,没有一个人乐意接受施舍。No one I’ve met is looking for a handout.

不要,我不要怜悯的施舍。No, I do not need the pitying almsgiving.

艾米表示不会接受张和平的施舍。Amy says it will not accept ZhangHePing alms.

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每天早晨僧人要轮流获得施舍。Every morning they must go on their alms round.

施舍先及亲友,但不应到此为止。Charity begins at home,but should not end there.

你是怎样看待施舍钱财帮助乞丐呢?What do you think about giving money to beggars?

火辣的红唇渴望的等待你的施舍。The fire hot red lips longing for your almsgiving.

作为一种不加掩饰的施舍,这一计划受到很多批评。As an unashamed handout, the scheme has many critics.

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过多的自作多情是在乞求对方的施舍。Too many fond hope is to beg the other side of charity.

老两口虽然很穷,但从不请求施舍。Poor as they were, the old couple never asked for charity.

过多的自作多情是在乞求对方的施舍。Too much self- assertion is begging each other 's charity.

斋月让人们懂得自律,仁慈和施舍。Ramadan teaches Muslims self-discipline, humility and giving.

我其实很喜欢吃鱼肉,但人总是自己饱餐一顿以后,把鲠不下的施舍给猫。I like fish. But people just tend to give me all the leftovers.

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穆斯林必须慷慨施舍帮助穷人。The Moslems must give alms generously and provide for the poor.

美国和欧洲可能很快就需要它们所能得到的一切施舍。The U.S. and Europe may soon need all the charity they can get.

若要享有良好声誉,就应公开施舍、暗里偷窃。To enjoy a good reputation, give publicly, and steal privately.