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这个星期真是大起大落。This has been a really up-and-down week.

出生啊,死亡啊,这就是个大起大落。Babys born or somebody dies, and thats a jerk.

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气候变化是否同样会引起移民浪潮大起大落?Could a changing climate cause similarly big ebbs and flows?

这给他造成情绪大起大落,口吃,和整天吃一大堆药的后遗症。It left him with mood swings, a stutter, and fistfuls of pills.

它从1986年振华851口服液问世以来,大起大落。From 1986 appearing of zhenghua 851 it thrived and failed deeply.

近几周,美股在清淡交投中经常大起大落.U.S. stocks have moved erratically, often in low volume, in recent weeks.

从物价指数挂钩金边债券得出的通胀预期经历了大起大落。Inflation expectations derived from index-linked gilts have veered wildly.

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汉密尔顿和马萨全年都表现得很出色,这个结尾也确实太大起大落了。They both did a really great job all year and in the end it was a dramatic finale.

对寻找价格大起大落、能使人肾上腺素急速上升的商品的金融家来说,糖已成为新的原油。For financiers seeking adrenaline-driven price lurches, sugar has become the new oil.

在美国,名誉一夕之间大起大落,最后不会那么重要。In America, reputations come and go overnight and in the end usually does not matter.

把一个家庭置于壬兴悲惨的境地、辆次遭遇情感的大起大落,实在是太没天理了。For a family to be put through such tragedy and emotional upheaval twice is unconscionable.

考虑到道指成份股只有30家公司,这样的大起大落并不那么令人吃惊。The swings aren't that astonishing given the tiny pool of 30 companies that make up the Dow.

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虽然时间不长,但中国企业基金已经经历了多次大起大落。Despite their brief history, Chinese corporate foundations have experienced many ups and downs.

在相机经济政策背景下钢铁边际投资效率大起大落的风险将得以规避。The risks of marginal efficiency of steel investment will be evaded in discretional economy policy.

但美洲区域并没有遇到像欧洲债务危机那样的问题,没有大起大落,前途不明。But this region has not experienced roller-coaster uncertainty on a scale equivalent to Europe’s debt crisis.

对于当地居民来说,经历了几次希望与失望的大起大落之后,他们已经不再轻信任何消息了。As for the locals, having had their hopes raised and dashed so many times before, they are taking nothing for granted.

用微笑去溶解生活中出其不意的大喜大悲,用乐观的心态去化解生命中跌宕起伏的大起大落!Solving joys or sorrows which appear in your life unconsciously and facing the ups and downs in your life optimistically!

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如果美联储采取出乎市场意料的措施,或者市场改变对其措施的看法,前述这些大起大落的市场走势恐怕将面临风险.These huge moves would be at risk if the Fed does something unexpected or markets have a rethink about what it all means.

随着国际金融危机的爆发与影响的不断深入,中国的证券市场也进入了大起大落、暴涨暴跌的恶性循环中。With the outbreak and influence of the international financial crisis, China's securities market has entered a vicious cycle.

棉花价格暴涨暴跌,棉花总产量大起大落,卖棉难和买棉难交替出现。Cotton prices rose sharply and plummeted, cotton production ups and downs, and difficulty selling and buying cotton alternated.