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不久,英国也开始效仿。Before long, the U.K. copied it.

他经常效仿他的爸爸。He always pattens himself after his father.

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雷峰同志为我们树立了可供效仿的榜样。I must set an example to this young friend.

如果一个人自杀,其他的人会效仿。If one commits suicide, then others will follow.

效仿玛莎·布雷迪为了头发亮泽,一天梳头100次?As for Marsha Brady's 100 strokes a day for shine?

他的著述给我们留下了杰出、高尚的楷模让我们效仿。His writings set fine and noble examples for us to follow.

所以,金融业的历史在很大程度上,就是效仿的历史。So, the history of finance is largely a history of copying.

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侯斯顿说会有更多的合作伙伴将效仿这种做法。Houston says there will be more such partnerships to follow.

我凡事都要模仿,请你们,给我一个好的榜样效仿!I am a prolific imitator, Please, give me good models to copy!

巴基斯坦会寸步不让,其他的地区力量也会效仿。Pakistan will dig in its heels, as will other regional powers.

那些准备在家中效仿此法的球迷,请记住波段分别是233Hz,466Hz,932Hz和1864Hz。For those of you following at home, that's 233, 466, 932, 1864.

美国在效仿亚洲教学模式的道路上还要走多远?How much further should the United States go in emulating Asia?

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中唐以后,效仿胡人发髻成为时尚。After the mid-Tang, follow the barbarian bun become fashionable.

到了1854年,作为世界经济中心的英国也效仿美国制订了有限责任法。In 1854, Britain, the world’s leading economic power, did so too.

况且,凡事一经效仿,总不大妙,多少带点儿东施效颦的嫌疑。Moreover, it once to follow, always bad, how many a little hollow.

如果西特卡的计划成功,其他的多水城市会争相效仿。If the Sitka plan succeeds, other water-rich cities may soon follow.

但最重要的是,应效仿中国打击盗窃犯的作法。But above all, emulate the Chinese in terms of dealing with thieves !

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现在许多人效仿此道,像波诺和斯汀从不使用自己的真名。Much in the way that Bono and Sting never use their real names today.

甚至中国也开始放弃他们的老路子来效仿我们。Even the Chinese are abandoning their methods and trying to be like us.

江苏、浙江走过的路,其他地方也需要效仿。Other provinces will follow the space of Jiangsu and Zhejiang province.