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我是董事会主席“I've got nothing to do."

这样我们就有了最初的董事会。So that was the initial board.

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她去参加联合校董事会的会议。She went to a school-board meeting.

你希望董事会做些什么?And what do you look to a board to do?

他成为了你的董事会主席。He becomes the chairman of your board.

学院董事会主席马克斯·博伊科。Max Boiko, their Chairman of the Board.

董事会开始物色常任CEO人选Board Initiates Search for Permanent CEO

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我将把你的报告提交董事会考虑。I will set your report before the board.

我打算竞选联合校董事会董事。I'm planning to run for the school board.

麦德威希望董事会里有新面孔。Mr. Medway favors new faces on the board.

她也是思科公司的董事会成员之一。She serves on the board of Cisco Systems.

我不会用些条条框框来筛选人填充董事会。I’m not filling the board with check boxes.

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塑造钉子,使用一个文件或金刚砂董事会。Shape the nail, using a file or emery board.

向董事会报告公司的风险评估情况。c.Report corporate risk assessment to broad.

昨天晚上你们的联合校董事会会议开得怎么样?How was your school-board meeting last night?

公司章程和保持董事会会议记录Corporate bylaws and maintaining board minutes

这些公司就跟没有董事会一样。Those companies might as well not have boards.

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他将自己的想法上报董事会。He presents his idea to the board of directors.

取而代之的是,股东投票选举出董事会。Instead, they vote to elect a board ofdirectors.

董事会全票通过了这笔交易。The board voted unanimously to approve the deal.