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事态平复。The situation has quieted.

他的声音发颤,于是停顿几秒来平复一下。His voice quivered and he paused to steady it.

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看了恐怖的东西,怎样可以平复心情?Saw bloodcurdling thing, how OK be pacified mood?

按理,这攀比的心态应该平复了吧。Normally, this treatment mentality should be calm.

当然迪克,你还需要点时间平复这一切,他说事情就这样顺理成章的发生了。Of course it will take a while, Dick, he said. It did.

而谁又能平复暗潮,告诉它何去何从?But who could tame the tide away and tell it where to go?

等身体内的反呕与呛,慢慢的平复后。Wait the anti- Ou and Qiang in the body, afterward slowly recovering.

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谁知道喝什么茶能平复心态,调理身体?Knows to drink what tea can be pacified state of mind, recuperate the body?

视网膜下液完全吸收,视网膜平复20眼。The subretinal fluid was resolved completely, leaving flat retina in 20 eyes.

周继君气极反笑,良久平复下来。The week annoys after the gentleman the most anti- smile, very long revive down.

周继君气极反笑,良久平复下来。The week annoys after the gentleman the most anti- smile, very long recover down.

一个更大的团体提出,加快发展是平复部落地区伤痛的唯一办法。A bigger group arguesthat development, to salve tribal hurts, is the only solution.

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只需一天的时间,就足已让我从季后赛输给印地安人队一役中平复过来。Chamberlain said getting over the playoff loss to the Indians "took me about a day."

把这个列入你的日常睡眠习惯中,确保你的身体温暖,然后平复你的心情。Do this as part of your bedtime routine, so that your body warms up and feels calmer.

随后这种郁闷可能就平复了,你很容易地就回到了日常生活中。The melancholy could then settle down and make it easy for you to fall into the routine.

但上述解释未能平复投资者的失望之情。But afore-mentioned explanations fail the disappointed affection of be pacified investor.

镇静安神,消除焦虑,使人心地平和,平复情绪。Calm and soothe the nerves, eliminating anxiety, people carefully calm, calm down emotions.

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镇静安神,消除焦虑,平复情绪,使人心地平和。Calm and soothe the nerves , eliminating anxiety, to calm down emotions, people carefully calm.

在我辞去公职后,我首先要做的是尽我所能来帮助我自己和家人平复创痛。As I leave public life, I will first do what I need to do to help and heal myself and my family.

她也会帮助其他人这样做,并直接观察艺术是如何平复攻击性行为的。She's also helped others do the same, observing first-hand how the arts can calm aggressive behaviors.