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你只要实心要,我给你开个实价。I can tell you love dogs.

报价单上的价格是实价吗?。This is the lowest possible price.

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报价单上的代价是实价吗?Are the price on the list firm offers?

请问。表上的价格都是实价吗?。Are the prices on the list firm offers?

我们报实价美元离岸价。The quotations are all in US dollars net FOB.

这是实价,我们不讲价。Our prices probaloneytomair conditioninghly are firm.

我让他说实价,究竟要多少钱?I asked him to tell me the truth, how much I should pay?

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上述优惠不适用于特价品或折实价货品。This offer is not applicable to special and net priced items.

中心上门服务、名码实价、诚实守信,欢迎来电。Home services company, name code Nett, honest and trustworthy, please call.

在大部分西方国家,商店明码实价,不能讨价还价。In most western countries store prices are fixed and people cannot bargain.

公司微薄利润运作,所标均为实价,请勿还价,谢谢合作!No negocation, please. We run with minor margin. Thanks for your cooperation!

以上实价需由贵公司于二零零四年二月十日前回覆确实。This offer is firm, subject to the receipt of your reply before 10 February 2004.

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在10周的时间里,股票已经从逢低买盘的边远走向了实价买卖。Over the course of 10 weeks, stocks have moved from the edge of the bargain bin to the full-price rack.

曾经被疯狂炒高的货品价格如今报复性地跌得比实价还低。The prices of articles in which there had been speculation sank in the reaction far below their true value.

该三间配售银行将担任市场庄家,于办公时间内为该两组按揭证券公司债券报价,所报的买入价为实价。The three placing banks will act as market makers to quote firm bid prices for the two hkmc notes during office hours.

本公司会在所有国际邮件上列明「印刷品」字样,并向海关方面申报折实价。Our company would mark 'Printed Matter" on overseas posts and declare the discount price to the Custom and Excise Department."

据悉,2009年年底,苏宁电器就已经率先在全国开设的精品店和县镇店施行了“明码实价”。It is learned that the end of 2009, Suning has taken the lead in the country to set up shop in boutiques and towns implemented the "blatantly."

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据介绍,经过苏宁与供应商的协商,双方共同认可的“明码实价”标准今日起将全面推行。According to reports, after consultation with suppliers Suning, the two sides recognized the "blatantly" standard today will be fully implemented.

配售银行将担任市场庄家,于办公时间内为该三组按揭证券公司债券报买入实价直至债券到期日。The placing banks will act as market makers to quote firm bid prices for the three hkmc notes during office hours until the maturity of the bonds.

纽航并和商业委员会达成协议,保证在随后的广告中无论国际、国内航班,皆列明包括所有费用的实价。In an agreement with the Commission, the airline has also undertaken to move to using all-inclusive prices for both its international and domestic airfares.