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你能听到轻轻的拍击声吗?Could you hear the pat?

怒气得到了一个坏拍击!Anger has gotten a bad rap!

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海浪或激浪的拍击。The breaking of waves or surf.

波浪拍击着海岸。The waves were beating the shore.

轻轻拍击后背是一种失去的艺术。The pat on the back is a lost art.

波浪拍击在岩石上四下迸溅。The waves broke against the rocks.

浪花拍击着桥墩。Waves were swashing against the piers.

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海浪拍击着岩岸。The seas chafes against the rocky shore.

浪头拍击着海岸线。The waves battered against the shoreline.

海浪和骤风用它们的巨掌拍击着塔身。Waves and wind beat the tower with giant hands.

我们听见帆拍击着船桅的声音。We heared the flaps of the sail against the mast.

门窗受到大雨拍击。The door and windows were bedashed with heavy rain.

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我喜欢住在海边,听海浪发出的拍击声。I like to live by the sea and hear the waves swashing.

海浪吼叫着拍击着岩石。The sea waves were roaring and breaking over the rocks.

随着激情和快感,增大拍击的速度和力度。Increase the tapping speed and pressure to your delight.

当触地时,您的脚不应该发出响亮的拍击声。Your feet should not slap loudly as they hit the ground.

我听到了阵阵风声,还有拍击水面带来的美好旋律。I heard the wind in my ears and felt the rhythm of swinging.

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相比之下,鸽子只能完成十分之一的翅膀拍击次数。By comparison, pigeons produce one-tenth the number of strokes.

在黑暗中他们听得见波浪拍击桥墩的声音。In the dark they could hear the wash of waves against the piers.

莱一些副作用分裂拍击下的游戏肯定会留下印记。Lay some side-splitting smack down in the game that is sure to leave a mark.