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什么是老化?What is aging?

我们处于一个抗老化的社会里。We're an anti-ageing society.

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所有的一切都老化了。的确如此。you know, everything's old. So, yeah.

脱色、做旧和老化治理。Decolour- worn out and aged attributes.

脱色、做旧和老化措置惩罚。Decolouration, worn out and aged aspects.

“光老化”现象是一种长期缓慢的进程。Photoaging occurs over a period of years.

老化的商圈,坚决不设点。Aging business circle, resolute don't run.

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当端粒变短的时候,细胞就开始老化。If the telomeres are shortened, cells age.

适合于极干性肌肤及老化肌肤使用。Suitable for very dry skin and aging skin.

你看你的电视机显象管逐渐老化了吗?Do you think your TV screen is wearing out ?

这带来了早期的车漆老化。This brought an early aging of the paintwork.

已老化电阻器经处理可以再生。Aged-thermistors can be recycled by treatments.

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雅芳致力于皮肤抗老化的研究。Avon is devoted to anti-aging research for skin.

本试验采用老化箱、游标卡尺。The test employs aging oven and vernier caliper.

锂电池的内电阻会随者它的老化而变高。As batteries age, their internal resistance rises.

本品适合于熟龄、老化肌肤。This product is suitable for mature or aged skins.

乾性、老化皮肤,油性肤质不适用。Recommended for non-oily normal-to-dry, mature skin.

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日本网平橡皮布,防漏气,耐老化。Japan web flat blanket, leak-proof, aging resistance.

并对沥青的老化机理了探讨。At last, we discussed aging mechanism of two asphalts.

在大多数情况下,细胞的老化和死亡都是正常现象。In most cases, it is healthy for cells to age and die.