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敬辞如何前往邮政局?。How do Iget to the post office?

有一张沙发在邮政局。There is a sofa in the postoffice.

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敬辞,怎么走才能达到邮政局?。Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?

那位邮政局长被强盗开枪打死了。The postmaster was shot dead by the robbers.

于是我问邮政局长这件事将怎么办。I asked the postmaster what he would do about this.

约翰被任命为邮政局长,取代退休的理查德。John was appointed postmaster vice Richard retired.

你出去的时辰会不会颠末邮政局?Will you be passing the post office when you're out?

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约翰·多伊被任命为邮政局长,取代退休的理查德…John Doe was appointed postmaster vice Richard Roe retired.

国家邮政局天气是最强大的移动电话天气预报节目。SPB Weather is the most powerful mobile phone weather forecast program.

国家邮政局改由交通运输部管理。The State Post Bureau will be subordinate to the Ministry of Transport.

邮政局如果要提高费用需要从一特殊的银监会那里获得允许。It needs permission for rate hikes from a special regulatory commission.

邮政局副局长称,抽掉报道版面是部分员工自发的行为。The deputy head of the post office said some staffers had removed the pages.

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即使邮政局的变化,邮递区号,对数以千计的地址,每一年。Even the post office changes postal codes on thousands of addresses each year.

好像是从很远的地方传来的声音,他听见她在让邮政局长打电话叫警察来。As if from far away, he hears her call to the postmaster to send for the police.

年,德国邮政局在上海开设了一个代办所,由德国人负责管理。In 1886 a German Post Office agency was founded in Shanghai with Germans in charge.

负责城建、交通、防汛工作。联系市邮政局。Responsible for urban construction, transportation, flood prevention. Contact city post office.

因此,企业形象成为磐石市邮政局广大干部职工注意研究的课题。So , mould of CIS become problem that most leaders and workers of PanShi post office often study it.

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今年也是法国邮政局发行中国新年邮票第12年。This year is also the 12th year of the French post office, La Poste, issuing Chinese New Year stamps.

不同邮政局域的数据也值得注意,无论你是要买房,还是只是好奇。Data for individual Zip codes is intriguing, whether you're in the market or you just like to rubberneck.

香港邮政夺得了此奖项,其项目为「流动邮政局工作环境改善项目」。Hongkong Post took the Gold Award with the entry 'Improvement of Mobile Post Office Working Environment'.