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第一个阶段是征文比赛。The first stage covered the writing competition.

到现在为止,这个是我听到的六一参赛征文里最好的录音了。Up to now, this is the best one I have ever heard here.

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更多征文活动信息,请留意西门子网站。Please pay attention to our website for more information.

本文严格上讲不符合征文主题。Strictly speaking, this article doesn't meet the requirements.

我作文也写的很好,征文比赛名列前茅。I have also written a good essay, essay competitions among the best.

为给新博客打响头炮,我们即将举办一次征文大赛,头奖是一趟挪威之旅!To kick off this new start – we will buy one of you a trip to Norway!

开沙龙,搞讲座,征文比赛,热火朝天过一阵子。Open Salon, engage in lectures, essay contest, be in full swing for a while.

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本文荣获第八届全国青少年“春蕾杯”征文大赛一等奖。This article won the Eighth National Youth "Spring Bud Cup" prize essay contest.

本文荣获第八届全国青少年“春蕾杯”征文活动一等奖。This article won the Eighth National Youth "Spring Bud Cup" prize solicitation activities.

征文编辑擅长于提供台湾地区的大学教授学术论文和期刊的编修。Uni-edit specializes in providing academic paper editing services to researchers and professors.

后来,我参加了“迎奥运”征文活动,没想到,我居然得了三等奖。Later, I attended the "Towards Olympics" Essay activities, did not think, I actually got third prize.

任期制纸皮作家帮助你对大学来说,学院征文、论文、书评和论文。Term-Paper-Writer helps you on College Term Paper, College Essay, Research Paper, Book Review and Thesis.

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咱们就是海宝一世博会征文代,咱们就应具备“责肆意识、专业精力和应变能力”。We are Treasure generation, we should have a"sense of responsibility, professionalism and responsiveness."

曾获有奖征文十余次,2005年获“玛宁宁”国际青年诗歌唯一中文奖。He has won more than 10 prizes and the year 2005 saw him win the prize of "Ma Ningning International Youth Poetry".

TASF举办征文比赛,慈善活动,表演艺术,青少年和大学生奖学金日营。The TASF sponsors essay contests, charity events, a performing arts day camp for teenagers and undergraduate scholarships.

征文比赛在第二年就停办了,因为汤森和校方无法就征文主题达成一致。Essay contests after the first yearwere discontinued because Townshend and the university could not agree on essayquestions.

环保署是征文比赛的主办机构之一,今年活动共收到来自70间中学的240份作品。The Essay Competition, with the EPD as one of the organizers, has attracted 240 entries from 70 secondary schools this year.

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2007年,在长江大学外语调频台“感恩的心”征文比赛中,荣获三等奖。In 2007, I won the third prize in the "Grateful Heart" essay competition hosted by Foreign Language FM of Yangtze University.

你的论文必须遵循所有的规则,我们学到的英语写作课程。作为一个清单,它应该使用征文专栏。Your paper must follow all the rules we learned in the English Writing course. It should use the essay rubric as a checklist.

因此“NDT互联网联盟”发起了第一届网络征文大赛活动,所选文章通过微信订阅号对外发布。Therefore, the NDT Internet Alliance launched the first network essay contest, selected by WeChat released subscription number.