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亚麻远离火苗,青年阔别赌博。Keep flax from fire, youth from gaming.

家,阔别了七年的家,这个字对他多亲切呀!Home. The word had meant so much to him.

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阔别阳光直射及野生热量。Keep away from direct sunlight and heat.

阔别多年后又见到了她实在太令我吃惊了。Meeting her after so many years really blew my mind.

瑜伽姿态使人坚决,阔别疾病并领有轻巧的身体。Asana make one firm, free from maladies, and light of limb.

两兄弟回到了阔别多年的家乡。Two brothers return to the home town they left years before.

一下子,又回到了我阔别六年的城市。Once again returned to my city after an absence of six years.

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在中国的西南一角,这里的人们阔别那片喧嚣安详的活着。Life in the country's south-west glides along rather sedately.

阔别这清明明亮、极冷的客栈房间,以及那无尽的空虚感慨。From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you feel.

他仿佛觉得他已阔别人生十万八千里。It seemed to him that he was already at an immense distance from life.

叶凌青握紧拳头,是叶凌青阔别已久的家。Ye Lingqing clenched his fist, is Ye Lingqing away from home for a long time.

那时候他已经是被人叫做“老”帕特了,而且已经阔别拳赛若干年。Even then he was called "Old" Pat, and had been out of the ring for years.

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我发现一惟有趣的地方照片也就不太阔别成都。I found some photos of interesting places which were not too far away from Chengdu.

我们只遵从部分戒律,因此永远不会飞得足够高,使尾巴阔别地面。We keep part of the commandment and never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.

将食物阔别桌子另一项帮助的功能是需要你分开桌子,人们会更加迟疑是否要盛取。When an additional helping requires leaving the table, people hesitate to go back for more.

您的心情曾便像那些做为怙恃的人一样,希看保护孩子阔别威胁。Your emotions were much like those of a parent who wants to shield their child from danger.

2008年10月27日,在阔别家园求医的一年后,Matsepe回到了她的村庄。She had returned to her village on 27 October 2008 – a year after she had left seeking help.

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对于那一些糊口在阔别她们的家,这个节日是家人团圆的日期也时刻。To those who live far away from their home, thellos festival is also a family reunion occasion.

我回到阔别多年的故乡,一切仍是那么熟悉。I returned to my native place after so many years. , but everything still seemed familiar to me.

此碟是老虎鱼又一实力歌手大卫缪雍阔别乐坛五年!Such a singer is David Munyon. His song comes from a depth where all our songs have their roots.