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门静脉分支结扎的肝叶逐渐萎缩。The ligated liver lobes underwent an atrophy gradually.

门静脉压力与血浆ET、肝组织ET呈正相关。The FPP was positively correlated with serum and hepatic ET.

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门静脉和肝静脉有明确界定,没有充盈缺损。Portal vein and hepatic veins are well defined, no filling defect.

大多数患者通过超声检查或者门静脉造影可以确诊。Most cases can be detected by ultrasonography or portal venography.

血液通过门静脉把糖和氨基酸带到肝脏。Blood takes sugars and amino acids to the liver via the portal vein.

由两名放射科医师共同对原始及门静脉重组图像进行分析。Both axial and reformatted images were analyzed by two radiologists.

目的探讨门静脉高压性胃病的发病机理。Objective To investigate the pathogenesis of portal hypertensive gastropathy.

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目的探讨门静脉高压症并发出血的治疗方法。ObjectiveTo evaluate the surgical therapy for bleeding gastroesophageal varix.

另外2名儿童患者的门静脉导管在体内保留了数月之久。In the other 2 children, portal vein catheters stayed patent for several months.

在留取再灌注后的标本时测量肝动脉和门静脉的血流。Hepatic artery and PV blood flows were measured at post reperfusion collection times.

此外,门静脉肌成纤维细胞可以产生更多且更容易伸长的应力纤维。In addition the portal myofibroblasts form more stress fibres and are more elongated.

结论门静脉海绵样变性的外科治疗具有广阔的发展前景。Conclusion Therapy for cavernous transformation of portal vein will be further developed.

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一例由于合并严重的胆汁性肝硬变,门静脉高压症导致手术死亡。A case with severe biliary cirrhosis of liver and portal hypertension died postoperatively.

无明显充盈缺损发现左侧门静脉分支,门静脉主干和下腔静脉。No marked filling defect found in the left portal branch, main trunk of portal vein and IVC.

结合TACE、门静脉取栓和DDS能提高患者的远期生存率。Combination with TACE, portal thrombus extraction and DDS can improve the long-term survival.

其门静脉宽度平均值汉族较哈萨克族小,脾厚径平均值汉族较哈萨克族大。Compared the average value of spleen pachydiameter, Han people was higher than Hazakh people.

高血压、肾功能不全及门静脉高压是常见的临床症状。Hypertension and renal insufficiency and portal hypertension are common clinical manifestations.

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肝静脉周围肝细胞的内源性酮体生成比门静脉周围肝细胞高1.3倍。Endogenous ketogenesis was 1.3-times higher in the perivenous zone than in periportal hepatocytes.

脾肿大常见原因之一是肝硬化门静脉高压。One of the most common causes for splenomegaly is portal hypertension with cirrhosis of the liver.

目的探讨彩色多普勒在胎儿门静脉血管畸形应用中的价值。To explore the role of color Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of fetal portal vein malformations.