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那么说,你跳起舞来照例总得要谈上几句吗?Do you talk as a rule while dancing?

我们照例回顾一下上周的内容。Okay a brief recap of last week as usual.

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那么说,你跳起舞来照例总得要谈上几句吗?Do you talk by rule then, while you are dancing?

我照例每天早晨查看收文盘。I check my in-tray every morning as a matter of course.

她照例向主席致感谢辞。She gave the customary speech of thanks to the chairman.

他翻了个身,照例指尖撑地做了三下俯卧撑。He rolled over and did his routine of three finger-tipped push-ups.

然后再移向下一个对象,照例应用今天的观念。Then move on to the next subject, and apply today's idea as before.

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对于发生暴乱的问题,密尔顿先生照例是避而不谈。Mr Milton's answer to the question of the riot was a regular cop-out.

在乡村居室里,星期天上午照例有一翻忙乱。There is always a certain flurry in a country-house on Sunday morning.

照例,我觉得很难认真去对待这种关注。As a rule, I find it difficult to take all this attention very seriously.

那一天,她照例教训我要记住我的身份。On that day, like all other days, she was admonishing me to remember my place.

戴肩章的侦察员照例在最外围的路线上叫喊.The scout with shoulder- straps shouted on the outermost route as a routine.

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照顾或探访病人后应照例洗手。Regular hand washing should be carried out after caring for or visiting sick people.

他手上仍然照例擎着威士忌羽觞,手指颤抖着喝光了酒。The perennial whiskey glass was in his hands, and he drained it with shaking fingers.

今天的办公会议照例还是在三楼会议室召开。Today the work meeting is being held in the meeting room on the third floor, as usual.

有一天在餐桌上有人又念起这段顺口溜,男人们照例笑得起劲。后来发现餐桌上的一位女人没笑。One day the doggerel was again mentioned, the men laughed as usual while a woman did not.

照例五个小时之后有人敲你的门,让她进来,为自己刷洗。It is still five hours before someone will knock on the door, let herself in, and wash you.

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遵着神人摩西的律法,照例站在自己的地方。Then they took up their regular positions as prescribed in the Law of Moses the man of God.

发布会结束后,人力资源和社会保障部部长尹蔚民照例准备离场。Conference ended, human resource and social security minister YinWeiMin routinely ready to leave.

照例有大群的拉客黄牛在寻觅猎物,他们争相过来抢我的生意。Spotting prey, the customary crowd of hustlers and touts swarmed around, jostling for my business.