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要不就连朋友都当不成了。It cannot even be friends.

要不我是水也行啊。Or lets me is Shui Yexing.

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住口,要不我就砸烂你的脑袋。Shut up or I'll crown you.

要不,那还叫男人么?Or, what is also called a man?

要不,咱申请清华?Or should we aim for Tsinghua?!

你个婊子养的杂种,要不亲我的屁股吧?Son of bitch. Kiss my ass , OK?

要不,那还叫男人么?Or, that also is called the man?

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性关系嘛要不你以为还有什么打牌?。Sex. What'd you think, cribbage?

要不就做个“十大”或“41大”列表Or make it a top 10 or top 41 list.

只是,别管我,要不我要晕倒啦。Only, let me alone, or I shall faint.

哎,要不怎么说咱俩是好搭档呢!Yeah, that's because we are partners!

从我面前滚开,要不我就打碎了它!Get out of my face, before I smash it!

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人活着总要爱一回,要不白活了。She who has never loved, has never lived.

别跑得太快,要不你会摔跤的。Don't run too fast, or you might fall over.

翻新机,根本查不到这个序列号,要不就是你打错了…Finding your serial number is easy. See how.

我必须限制住,要不我这封信就会写个没完没了。I must pull in, or my letter will never end.

我知道.要不我们吃点儿牛肉干吧.I know.So let`s have some beef jerky instead.

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妳别站在外边,要不全身都要湿透了。Dont stand outside, or you will get drenching.

你们滚开,要不我就炸掉这街垒!Be off with you, or I'll blow up the barricade!

要不要点利口酒来结束这顿饭?Would you like a liqueur to complete your meal?