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最后,我们向学伴说了再见。Finally, we said goodbye to our partners.

小张一心向学,厉志要成为一名科学家。Xiao Zhang works very hard to be a scientist.

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于是她们就向学姐们说起这件事。Then they will learn elder sisters about this matter.

但年轻也意味着阅历浅,更要虚心向学。But young to mean experience to be light , even more modest to learn too.

贝兹解释道,“弗里蒙特高中被选为这一模式的试点学校,然后向学区推广。”Fremont High was chosen to begin this model for the rest of the district.

钱包鼓了以后,学生容易无心向学,转而向钱看。A bulging purse sometimes can easily turn one from knowledge learning to money pursuing.

他为一家美国公司向学前水平的教师提供训练。He works for an American company providing training to teachers at the pre-school level.

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他们几乎没有行为上的问题,而且表现出更多的兴趣且一心努力向学。They have fewer behavioral problems, and show more interest in and try harder at school.

文腾在科大既活跃于乐队和足球队,又勤奋向学,名列前茅。While enjoying his activities in band and football at HKUST, Man Tang also studied hard.

如何激励他们向学,就像我们的父母为我们做的那样?How do you inspire them about education like our parents did for us?’ I said, ‘You’re right.

策略研究是外语教学研究重心由教向学转移的产物。Strategy research is the result of shifting research from language teaching to language learning.

在一次促销活动中,向学信为了减缓人流速度,在商店入口处摆放了一张桌子。Duan placed a table in the entrance to the store to slow the flow of people during a sales promotion.

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子路听了,从此才专心向学,终于成为有用的人才。Hearing that answer, Zilu was inspired to concentrate on his studies, and he eventually became a very capable individual.

入学后,学生成绩优异可以向学务处提出其他奖学金申请。After admission, students can apply through Student Affairs Office for various scholarships with good academic performance.

羡昕为了查出兆良的死亡真相向学华取证,学华亦将有关卓凯的资料转交羡昕。Envy xin forensics in order to detect signs of good death truth whose China, learn Chinese will transfer information about drache envy xin.

上个月当访视莫拉克受灾居民时,志工勉励每一家的学童继续向学,也给予适当的援助。When visiting homes that were damaged by Typhoon Morakot last month, volunteers keep track of how the children are doing in school, and give appropriate assistance.

大华府台湾商会今年也首度颁发优秀学生奖学金,以鼓励青年台商子弟努力向学,共有十五位来自不同学校学生获奖。This year is the first time TCCGW award the scholarship to its member's children. There are 15 award-winning students from different schools who awarded the TCCGW Scholarship.

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孔夫子认真向学的态度,与实事求是的精神,真值得我们效法!This cautious and humble attitude exemplifies someone who truly understands manners. We ought to emulate Confucius' serious attitude toward learning and his matter-of-fact spirit!

到了省城,西凤才知道,向南根本没有按时毕业,他早已无心向学,一直在做生意,面临着被学校开除的危险。South to the provincial capital, west chicken just know, didnt finish on time, he had no desire, for school, has been in the business, and facing the risk of being expelled from school.

“隐性失学”的学生指的是那些身在学校却无心向学的人,他们无所事事、饱食终日,在学校里悠闲地混着日子。Invisible dropouts are those who stay at school but have their minds elsewhere. Some of them idle away their days on campus while others have jobs even though their names are still on the school roll.