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维多利亚女王于1837年即位。Queen Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837.

公元前361年,秦国的新国君秦孝公即位。In 361 BC, Duke Xiao came to the throne of the State of Qin.

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这国王在他从敌人那夺来的新城堡即位为王。The king throned the new castle he had taken from his enemies.

10弘治即位后不久便清除了他父亲所宠幸的官员和太监。Yet, Hongzhi did away with his father’s officials and eunuchs.

赵匡胤死后,赵光义即位。After the death of Zhao Kuangyin, his brother ascends the throne.

亨利一五四七年即位,戴安娜简直成为王后,只欠名义而已。On Henry's accession in 1547, Diane became queen in all but name.

秦始皇陵从秦始皇即位起就开始修建。Construction of the tomb started as soon as Qin Shihuang took the throne.

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在巴比伦国王尼布甲尼撒一世过世后不久,他的儿子伯沙撒即位为巴比伦新国王,也是最后一位国王。Soon, afterKing Nebuchadnezzar the first died, his son Belshazzar became King.

唐玄宗即位,正式建立翰林院,翰林院待诏各以艺能供奉君主。As soon as Emperor Xuanzong ascended the throne, Literati House was established formally.

宋神宗即位后,开始在战略上对西夏采取攻势。Shen Zong Emperor began to assume a strategic offensive to the West Xia after his enthronement.

一年后,刚刚即位的皇帝段思英就在这座金殿上,迎来了自己执政生涯的最后一天。One year later, Duan Siying who succeeded to the throne just now, met the last day of his ruling.

等到厉王死,武王即位,和氏又捧着他的未加工的玉石献给武王。Wait Li Wang died, King Wu came to the throne, and it's holding his raw jade dedicated to King Wu.

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他即位后展开了大规模的军事活动,版图扩展到中亚地区和南俄。His throne launched large-scale military activities, expanded to central Asia territory and Russia.

你的故事就从1542年12月14日开始讲起,你出生刚刚几天,就即位成为苏格兰女王。Your story starts on December 14, 1542. You´re only days old, and you´re already Queen of Scotland.

西哈莫尼说,多年来,柬中两国领导人和人民之间结下深厚的友谊,我即位后首次出访就来到中国,目的是继承和发展柬中传统友好关系。The history of Cambodia-China friendship is long lasting and goes deep into the heart of the two peoples.

当然,成功即位霸主的正是哺乳类动物,它们和我们人类相似,有着温热的身体,还有毛发。What succeeded them, of course, were the mammals, creatures like ourselves with warm bodies and with hair.

特别前曲是为了鲁道夫被录用为年夜主教即位仪式时吹奏的运用。Qu in particular to the former Archbishop Rodolfo coronation ceremony was appointed to the use of performance.

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无论他有什么动作,隐瞒了几十年的即位大事很可能无法继续藏掖。Whatever he does, the issue of succession is likely to escape the secrecy in which it has been wrapped for decades.

那么,为何史官要在开篇和每位国君即位时都要反复写该句?Then why should historiographer write the sentence repeatedly at the opening or when each emperor ascended the throne?

电影主人公国王乔治六世,英国女皇伊丽莎白的父亲,当年因为被口吃困扰,极不情愿即位。The film depicts King George VI, father of England's Queen Elizabeth, as a reluctant leader tortured by his stuttering.