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您曾说,为求新知常常忘记自己正在老去。You said in pursuing knowledge one felt not old.

我是个渴望新知的人,你也可以教导我让我们一起互相学习喔!I'm always hungry for new knowledge, so you can teach me too and we can learn together.

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期盼旧雨新知前往老牛皮品尝独具风味的美味牛肉料理。Whether you are an old or new customer, we hope that you can all enjoy our beef cuisines.

通过猜谜语的方式轻松引入新知,吸引学生注意力让学生更好的掌握新知。The teacher gives students a riddle about a kind of fruit and lead in the word "pineapple".

如果你不设定目标地生活,你会发现新的领地,会学到意想不到的新知,会到达令你惊喜的地方。If you live without goals, you’ll explore new territory. You’ll learn some unexpected things.

一旦读者热切投入,大脑便悠游畅泳在各种新知或有趣的故事中。Once a reader dives in, the brain swims in all kinds of new knowledge or interesting stories.

近五年来,牙齿干细胞新知一日千里。The studies on human dental stem cells have been greatly progressed during recent five years.

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当大家都在追求新知时,人们的欲念就会远远地超过了他们目前拥有的而感到不满足。When people seek for new knowledge, what they desire is much more than what they possess at present.

你在出发前蒐集到愈多资料,就能做愈充分的准备,接着就出门学新知吧!The more you know before you go, the more adequately prepared you'll be. Then go out and learn something!

他们博闻多识,但更渴求新知,期望精神的探险与遨游。They have wide learning but are still thirst for new knowledge, expecting spiritual exploration and soaring.

资讯区是我最喜欢的部份,因为会有许多介绍科技新知的文章。Information sections attract me most, because there are many features about new technology in these sections.

中国学生以学习与获取新知为乐吗?或是学习仅仅是实现某一目的的权宜之计?Do Chinese students take any pleasure in studying and acquiring new knowledge, or is it all just a cynical game?

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人们奔向太空去追逐最后的边境或为追求新知在科学的深海中探索。People are going to space in pursuit of the last frontier or seeking in the depths of science for new knowledge.

欧洲在经历了文艺复兴运动之后,科学文化空前的繁荣,新知不断的涌现。After the renaissance, Europeans made the sciences and culture prosperous and the new knowledge was introduced into China.

“批判旧智与创造新知”是“大学精神”的根本所在,更多的是相对教师而言。"Criticizing the old wisdom and creating new knowledge" is the foundation of college spirit. It mainly refers to teachers.

不管我是否赢得了你的投票,我都听到了你们的新声,学到了新知,是你们让我成为了一个更好的总统。And whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you, I have learned from you, and you've made me a better president.

我觉得这与每个成员都能从彼此施予和获得新知,这样的氛围大有关系。I think it has a lot to do with everyone feeling like each member has something to offer and something that they can learn from.

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根据所学内容自创对话,既是对新知的运用,又是对旧知的融合,使学生的表演天分和创造能力得到充分地发挥,这也是本节课所要达到的目的。Using what we've learned today to make a new dialog and perform it out. Teaching a chant. The students make new dialogs in groups.

祝各位搜索愉快好运——希望你能够查到旧友,分享美好记忆,结识新知。Good luck with your searches—I hope you're able to find some people to reconnect with, share some old memories, and make some new ones.

图式理论是一种阅读理解的认知理论,它通过大脑存在的旧知图式推论了解新知,从而获得新知。Pattern theory is a cognition theory about reading comprehension, which means to gain new knowledge by reasoning from the old information.