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他在低矮的横梁下弯着腰。He stooped under the low beam.

在低矮的门拱下要低头。Dip your head under the low arch.

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小山包上长着一簇低矮的灌木丛。Ran a hill tufted with small bushes.

她的头砰地撞在低矮的天花板上。She banged her head on the low ceiling.

我的头撞在低矮的门框上了。I cracked my head on the low door-frame.

这条走廊通向一间烟雾弥漫的低矮房间。The corridor opened into a low smoky room.

树丛中乱生乱长着低矮的新枝。The trees had thrown out new low branches.

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低矮的树枝下那些七零八落的石块上Those stones out under the low-limbed tree

下一步正将模块装上低矮的拖车。The next step is loading the lowboy trailer.

那时只有低矮的窝棚似的小房子和泥泞的道路。There was nothing except shacks and muddy streets.

你还可以用零角碎料,制作低矮的翘翘板。You can also have low, padded and carpeted seesaws.

这些低矮的房屋群已经在六十年的晚期被拆毁。These low buildings were demolished in the late 60s.

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旅店低矮的石头墙上,一只黄色的麝猫醒目地匍匐在那里。yellow genet flamed above the low stone hotel walls.

他们以简陋的床具或草铺卧于低矮之处。They make low beds, on a pallet or a spread of straw.

他只得把头低下才能通过那低矮的门道。He had to duck his head to get through the low doorway.

再高一点,可见灌木丛和低矮树木。On higher ground there are shrubs and shrub-like trees.

而在较为内陆的地区,这些沙丘会转化成低矮的沙质平原。Farther inland, the dunes transition to low sand plains.

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往日这个地区全是些低矮的小房子。In the past, all houses in this area were small and low.

水果和树叶的花环缠绕在低矮的拱门上。Garlands of fruit and leaves wind along the lower arches.

走进低矮房舍,天花板塌陷危及可见,这是一个充满霉味和回忆的房子。There's an acrid smell and the rooms are full of memories.