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若有自满心,就是愚痴。Being complacent is stupid.

我认为自满,就是心之凶德。I argue that it is complacence.

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我自满,我是江铃人!I am proud, I come from Jiangling!

但是,陈冯富珍告戒人们不要自满。But, she warned against complacency.

但是自满却是一个危险的敌人。But self-complacence is very dangerous.

她把她的失败归因于自满。She charged her failure to self-conceit.

邻居们相互抚慰,相扶相依。“我很自满来自一个矿工的家庭。”I am proud to be from a family of miners.

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自满被认为是没有教养的。Self-praise is considered to be ill-bred.

但是这并不意味着我们可以自满。But this doesn't mean we can be complacent.

锐意进取,永不自满是我的座右铭。Forge ahead, never complacency is my motto.

然而,这种自满是非常危险的。Yet all this betrays a dangerous complacency.

他们变的懒惰,自满,自鸣得意。They get lazy, complacent, and self-satisfied.

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持守此道的人,是不会自满自溢的。Those who follow this Tao will not be conceited.

我们每个人都有自信和自满的一刻。We all have moments of self-confidence and pride.

高傲自满的家伙。They hated that conceited, self-satisfied creature.

由于自满,她没有取得进一步进展。She made no further progress because of complacence.

现在,作为一个超级明星,他一点也不自满。Now, as a super star, he is not self-satisfied at all.

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他谴责政府的懈怠和自满。He accused the government of slackness and complacency.

他有了一些成绩就自满起来。He became self-satisfied because of a few achievements.

有时候我们考好了就自满。Sometimes we take an examination of well is complacency.