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第二、定计划留有余地。Second, , make a plan for.

恰恰是豪厄尔这种留有余地的做法救了他。It was Howell’s own sense of limits that saved him.

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要确保每件事之间都留有余地,这样你就不会太匆忙。Be sure there’s spaces between things, so you’re not rushed.

道教的主要信条之一讲的是做事留有余地。One of the key tenets of the Dojo is the idea of leaving some margin.

做出承诺的时候,最好留有余地,然后出色完成。When making commitments, it's best to under-promise and over-deliver.

我们安排工作时要留有余地。When arranging our work, we should allow for unforeseen circumstances.

记得要他的电话号码,这样才能给自己留有余地,你可以主动给那个家伙打电话。Make sure you get his number, and call the dude up to scope things out.

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这些观点是危险的,因为它们强有力并且为妥协而留有余地。They're dangerous because they're powerful and don't leave room for compromise.

布莱希特提倡用新的技巧表现现实,这就给表现主义留有余地。Berlot Brecht advocated use the new skill performance reality, this gave the Expressionism to be conservative.

还好,在这两个极端——告诉员工一切和什么也不告诉员工——之间还留有余地。Fortunately, there is a place between the two extremes of being told what to do and being given no support whatsoever.

试验结果表明,该节点有明显的应力集中现象,应在强度设计中留有余地。The test results show that the X-joint has distinctly stress con centration , which should be considered seriously in design.

进化树上仍给人们的判断留有余地,但是仅仅是给那些经历考验最终证明其正确性的判断。There is still room for human judgement, but it is judgement about what will eventually turn out to be the undisputable truth.

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弹性时间是计划成功的关键,要留有余地以应付不可控制的时间,如干扰、故障和紧急。Flexibility is the key to successful planning. Allow time for unexpected things you can't control, like interruptions , problems and crises.

我们今后订计划,一定要切合实际,并且留有余地。今后规定任务,一定不要过重,也不要过死。In future we must work out realistic plans that allow for some flexibility, being certain not to set too heavy or inflexible tasks any more.

尽管如此,柏林是否会坚持到底——现行政策已经是近期第二次对禁止核能的尝试——仍然是一个留有余地的问题。Still, whether Berlin will follow through—the current policy is already the second recent attempt to ban nuclear energy—is an open question.

因为现今的系统不够精确,飞机锁定跑道、一步步缓慢下降的过程中,空中交管员必须给飞机留有余地。Because the current system is less precise, controllers need to give planes plenty of room as they lock onto the runway, descending in a slow, stepped approach.

当科比那天早些时候在电台说自己想被交易的时,他似乎在后来的访谈节目中为留在湖人队留有余地。Bryant said he wanted to be traded on a talk-radio show early that day but appeared to leave wiggle room for remaining with the Lakers on subsequent radio shows.

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在丹-埃雷里的新书中,他也是其中的范例之一。所谓“预见的不合理性”正是对人类喜欢为自己留有余地的弱点一种戏谑的看法。He is one of the role models in Dan Ariely's new book, "Predictably Irrational, " an entertaining look at human foibles like the penchant for keeping too many options open.

如果你想分手,早点提对你和对方都好,在不能保证什么的时候,就别给幻想留有余地,好聚好散,谁也别耽误谁。If you want to break up, to you and the other early mention, in can't guarantee what of time, don't leave room to fantasy, good gather good spread, who don't also delay who.

另外还设置了一个弹性控制区,其主要设置在轨道站点周边及门户、标志性建筑附近,例如厂东门周边,为今后发展留有余地。Also set up a flexible control area, the main set in orbit around the site and portal, near landmarks such as the East Gate around the plant, leave room for future development.