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如今她几乎足不出户。She is now practically housebound.

他因病完全足不出户。His illness has left him completely house-bound.

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一张照片、一个脏字,让我足不出户、臭名远扬!!!----李家萍。Bad reputation created by a picture and a dirty word!

“世界是一本书,足不出户者只读其一页而已。”。The world is a Book He who stays at home reads But one page.

世界是一本书,足不出户者仅读一页而已。The world is a book. He who stays at home reads but one page.

家庭主妇可以在足不出户的情况下购物和支付账单。Housewives can do shopping and pay bills without leaving their homes.

即使貂宝宝足不出户也有机会感染犬瘟热和狂犬病。Canine Distemper and Rabies can affect ferrets that never set foot outdoors.

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足不出户对消费者支出有什么短期和长期影响?What short- and long-term effects do you see cocooning having on consumer spending?

反而,为免「撞鬼」,那天大家都足不出户。On the contrary, to avoid bumping into ghosts, people seldom go outdoors on the day.

我们保证可以令您足不出户便可以买遍全日本货品。We guarantee that you will be able to get any Japan goods without stepping out your doorstep.

土楼内储备有足够的食物,能保证供应几个月足不出户。With stockpiles of food, people could live for months without setting foot outside the tulou.

再三思量,你足不出户也可以找到自己的梦中情人。On second thought, you can still look for the person of your dreams without leaving your house.

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对于那些因残疾或疾病而足不出户的人来说,互联网可也以称得上是一种上帝的恩赐。For people who are housebound because of disabilities or illness, the Web can also be a godsend.

又或者,去买些关于公众演讲的电子书,这样你足不出户便可以学习了。Or, you can purchase e-books on public speaking, which you can learn at home behind locked doors.

更别提这一代足不出户、没有玩乐的孩子中广泛存在的肥胖问题了。Not to mention the epidemic of childhood obesity in a generation of kids who never just go out and play.

据说,这些新百岁老人并非是你想象中那种体弱多病的足不出户者。By all accounts, these new centenarians are far from the frail, ailing, housebound people you might expect.

同时,易尚瑜伽会所还深入公司,为员工指导健身瑜伽、舞蹈形体,让公司员工足不出户就可轻松锻炼,提升员工气质。The senior yoga coaches and dance teachers can provide first-class yoga and physical training to the members.

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一个人足不出户,呆在自己家的私人小天地中就能够跟全世界进行交流。A person can communicate with the world from the privacy of their own home without ever having to set foot outside.

现在很多人足不出户学英语,因为像“第一英语”这样的网络学习平台很多。Now many people stay at home to learn English because there are so many online learning channels such as 1steng. com.

互联网令我们可以足不出户地自我教育、正确决策。The internet empowers us to educate ourselves and make more informed choices and decisions without leaving our couches.