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线夹的本体和楔子为可锻铸铁,热镀锌。The body and wedge are malleable iron.

沥青表面的饱和分含量比本体多。More saturates exist on surface of asphalt.

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第三中感觉指本体感觉。The third sense is known as proprioception.

什麽是意符的整体性的本体位置?What is proper to the totality of signifiers.

本体感受性试验是一种神经学检查。Proprioception is a kind of neurological test.

王弼哲学的本体是“无”。“The essence of Wang Bi's philosophy is non-being.

本体是一个旋律死亡金属乐队由芬兰。Noumena is a melodic death metal band from Finland.

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这是从原则的角度或本体。This is from the viewpoint of principle or noumenon.

此方法有助于基于本体的企业模型的建立。The method is helpful to model ontology-based enterprise.

从某种意义上说,埃梅的本体确实是在她自身以外。In a sense aimee's identity was literally outside herself.

此外,每一个方法有两个方面本体和现象。Moreover, every method has two aspects noumenon and phenomena.

下一步,他会发现所有的形相都融入不可分割的绝对本体里面。Next he finds that the form merges in the Indivisible Absolute.

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杯子的本体是空性的,但是空性可以不同的方式来显现。Ontology of the Cup is empty, but can appear in different ways.

本体映射的关键是相似度的计算。The key of ontology mapping is the computation of similarities.

现代混沌学为“本体非决定论”提供了科学证据吗?。Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism?

食管本体的蠕动受迷走神经支配。Peristalsis in the body of the esophagus is under vagal control.

提出了一种可在复杂地面环境下行走的蠕动式步行机器人本体结构。A kind of body construction for creep walking robot was proposed.

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本体映射的关键是相似度的计算。And the key of ontology mapping is the computation of similarity.

本体材质采用精选的展性铸铁不易破裂变形。Made of selected malleable steel making them virtually unbreakable.

现在已准备好开始为断言构建本体了。Now you're ready to start building the ontology for the assertions.