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上海是一个所谓的花花世界。Shanghai is a varicolored world.

白天里上演着花花世界,夜晚却是一个人的独角戏。During the day at night world, is a solo.

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我展现给你们的将是一个花花世界。There is no outside world that i do not show you.

花花世界,爱得不够,才会有诸多借口。World, love enough, just can have so many excuses.

在色彩斑斓的花花世界里,搭配一款米白色系的包包是绝对的王道。It is wise to own an off-white bag in this colorful world.

大都市的花花世界使他感到眼花缭乱。He was dazzled by the gaiety and splendour of the metropolis.

我们只是路人甲乙丙丁,在这花花世界集体游戏。We're just a passer-by yibingding, in this world collective game.

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她所神往的这个花花世界完全把她吸引住了。The showy world in which her interest lay completely absorbed her.

在这个没有佛教约束的花花世界,汽车在鸣着喇叭,一个男人拿朝着他的手机吼叫。In the glorious un-Buddhist world, cars honked and a man yelled into his cellphone.

别让花花世界迷惑了双眼,更别让夺走你内心宁静的那种美妙感受。Do not let this world distract you and rob you off that wonderful feeling of inner calm.

所以,我今天的“花花世界”以及“大红花”就是下面这幅画的化身!Therefore, today's "Colorful World" and "Red hibiscus" is the embodiment of the picture below!

各人有各人理想的乐园,有自已所乐于安享的花花世界。Everyone has his own vision of paradise, there are as happy to enjoy with their own colorful world.

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世人睁开眼睛,伸出四肢,发现了眼前这个五彩缤纷的花花世界,他们的内心是充满着好奇的。Opening eyes and stretching four limbs, people discover the varicolored world and feel curious inside.

由各光点的相对强度而组合成所有花花世界的影像。It's the light spots of relative intensity to combine together to form the colorful images of the world.

然而,从广场四面八方向外走去,你会发现自己走进了一个灯红酒绿的花花世界。Walk away from the square in any direction, however, and soon you find yourself amid a raucous riot of commerce.

发达国家习惯于花明天的钱。还贷将是痛苦滴,在这个花花世界生活也是一样。Rich countries borrowed from the future. Paying the bill will be difficult, and so will living in a thriftier world.

在家的时候,罗伊斯是个直率的小伙子,他不受职业运动员那花花世界世界的影响仍然尽可能地做自己。At home, Reus is a down to earth chap who remains largely unaffected by the often glitzy world of a professional sportsman.

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可是最主要的目标,仍是在无拘无束地遨游于空旷之野,自由自在地享受那种,无物不可有,无事不可为,无地不可游的多彩多姿的花花世界。His main goal is to roam freely in the vast wild field, a wonderful world where he enjoys everything, does everything and tours everywhere.

远离巴黎的花花世界,普普通通的人过着平静而有意义的生活,这种生活充满了个人自由的理想。Away from the sophisticated glitter of Paris, the ordinary people lived calm and purposeful lives filled with the ideal of personal liberty.

既然决定考研,就要“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”,外面“花花世界”基本与你绝缘。Since having decided to take the entrance examination for master's degree, you have to put full heart into studies while turning a deaf ear to anything else.