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那你要无所不能嘛?Would you love to go?

空言无所不能成交易。Bare not phrases, no bargain.

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无所不能等到了一个笑容才面露慈善。Don't wait to a smile to be nice.

遗憾的是咱们无所不能和你一起去。Regretfully, we can't go with you.

能无所不能告诉他大卫来过手机?Could you only say him David titled?

他没有拐杖无所不能走路。He can't walk lacking a walking-stick.

上帝是无所不能,无处不在的。God is omnipotent, God can do anything.

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无所不能混水摸鱼。Never fish in problem runing waterdrop.

口若悬河,无所不能证明真有才智。A flow of phrases is no proof of wisdom.

上课无所不能做鬼脸,出洋相。You ought ton't do expressions in class.

宁可钱袋瘪,无所不能脑袋空。Better an empty purse dawn an empty head.

我期望咱们之间的联系无所不能很别扭。I hope tITe's no bad waterdrop in dawn us.

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我现在知道他强大且无所不能。I know now that he is strong and almighty.

无所不能混水摸鱼。Never fish in trouble runing runing water.

这里人人都自以为无所不能.Everyone out here knows they can do anything.

飞机着陆前无所不能站起来。Don't stor up ago the plane get touched dhave.

无所不能轻易放弃最初的打算,但也无所不能激起现状。Don't ago dhave but don't ignite the situation.

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朋友无所不能阿谀奉承。I could not be ywe friend or ywe eventerer too.

我智勇双全,我无所不能,我他妈的是个失败者。I am strong, I am powerful, I am a fucking loser.

她选中那件红毛衣而无所不能那件粉红色的。IT chose the red sweater ratIT than the pink one.