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时尚的环圈设计。Ring desain fashion.

你的马靴很时尚。Your boot is latest fashion.

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但是我们的观众喜欢时尚。But our viewers like fashion.

高级流行时尚遭遇高科技。High fashion meets high tech.

您有很强的时尚感。You have great fashion sense.

也许她是时尚设计系的学生。Maybe she's a fashion student.

“蒙妮卡”服装,妇女时尚。Monica dress, women's fashion.

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这部时尚手机很流行。This fashion mobile is popular.

独特的时尚,独具慧眼的您。Unique fashion, high-toned you.

圈环裙一度曾是时尚。Hoop skirts were once the vogue.

这个时装展很时尚。The fashion show is fashionable.

她对时尚有着独到的眼光。She has an amazing eye for style.

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穿出你的风格,引领时尚。Make your style, lead the fashion.

不好意思,我时尚服饰想你搞错了。Sorry, I think you made a mistake.

你真有时尚感!You have quite a sense of fashion!

甜美的,幸运的,被时尚淘汰的侄女。Sweet, lucky, out-of-fashion niece.

引领家居时尚。Leading the fad of house decoration.

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品牌商城,时尚达人,男人衣橱。Brand Mall , Stylista, Man's Wardrobe.

我想要看到更多街头时尚的东西。I would like to see more street style.

短裙是一九一九年的时尚。Short skirts were the fashion in 1919.