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让我们来听听亚历克斯·图是如何看待他这一创举的。Let's hear what Alex Tew says about his marvel5.

这在中国近现代史上仍为一大创举。It blazed new trails in the modern history of China.

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达索在云计算上的创举也吸引了不少眼球。Dassault innovation on the cloud drives a lot of interest.

我敢肯定,今夜我将难以入睡,我还沉醉在这美妙的创举中。Doubtful to sleep tonight,the rush of it all is still in me.

这项协定是范围广及美国全国领土的创举。It was pioneering because of the far-reaching territory the U.

这是人类历史上具有划时代意义的创举。The creation of the UN is an epoch-making event in human history.

这是中国最早的医用铜人模型,也是中国针灸教育事业上的一个创举。This was the earliest bronze human figure for medical use in China.

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它是世界建桥史上的一项创举和奇迹。It is the world's bridge construction history of an innovation and a miracle.

是世界装饰和音响领域的一项革命性创举。Decoration is one of the world and the sound of a revolutionary innovation in the field.

在这样的情况下,他说,BTC输油管道必须被看作是一项伟大的创举。In that context, he says, the BTC pipeline has to be looked upon as a major achievement.

世宗大王的这一创举使韩民族的文化得到了质的飞跃。King Sejong the initiative of the Han nationality's culture has been a qualitative leap.

路让树这是黄龙环保工作的一项创举。Letting roads give way to trees is an innovation in environmental protection at Huanglong.

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和巴蒂的创举一起,另有两名妇女也同样“离家出走”,以示抗议。With her were two other women who too had similarly walked out from their in-laws' houses.

中国的改革开放和欧盟一体化建设都是历史上没有任何先例可循的创举。Neither China's reform and opening-up nor the EU's integration has any precedent to follow.

中篇传奇小说是中国小说发展史上的创举和破例。Legendary novelette is an innovative and exceptional genre in the history of Chinese fiction.

这是一项政策决定,我祝贺上海当局的这一创举。This was a policy decision, and I congratulate the Shanghai authorities on setting a precedent.

这对印度佛学未来能在中国文化中扎下根基,具有不可磨灭的贡献与创举!His doctrine would play a significant role in the root-taking of Indian Buddhism in Chinese culture.

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人生中的十五天,在缅甸看了三天日出和日落,是我人生一大创举!We have spent 3 days out of a 15-days trip to enjoy 3 sunsets and 3 sunrises in Myanmar, is it amazing?

无论这届总统任期以何种方式结束,它主要都是这个当选的人的创举。However else this presidency ends up, it will be primarily the creation of the person elected to office.

如果纸老虎的证交会决定就这样指控GE的话,谁知道还有什么创举发生?If this is what the paper tiger SEC decided to charge GE with, who knows what creativity really took place?