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本船配备有陀螺罗经。She is equipped with a gyrocompass.

用陀螺罗经检查锚位。Check anchor position by gyro-compass.

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经常核对陀螺罗经和磁罗经航向。Check Gyro and Magnetic courses frequently.

磁罗经的误差没有校正。The error of magnetic compass is not adjusted.

不要总看罗经,要找出岸上显著物标。Don't look too much at the compass. Get a good mark on shore.

平台罗经模糊控制的应用研究。Application of fuzzy control in platform gyrocompass is studied.

航行试验中电罗经固定误差校正和效用试验。Calibration constant error and function for gyro-compass on sea trial.

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主罗经和分罗经航向示度不匹配。The course indication of repeaters does not match that of gyro compass.

动力调谐陀螺仪的漂移误差是以其构成的平台罗经系统的主要误差源。The drift of DTG is the main error source of platform gyrocompass comprising it.

利用惯性原理制成仪表而又是用于导航,那要算陀螺罗经了。The instrument made by inertia principle and used for navigation is gyrocompass.

我船有六分仪和磁罗经。紧急情况时可以使用无线电测向仪。We have sextants and magnetic compass on board. DF will carry on when emergency.

如天气好,每一班测取天体方位求出罗经差。Take celestial azimuth and find compass error on each watch if the weather is fine.

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新型平台罗经计算机控制系统的设计和实现。A new type of computer control system for platform gyrocompass is designed and realized.

没有连接罗经或所接罗经长时间没有校正,误差较大。The compass dose not connected or has not calibrated for long time resulting in big error.

本文研究的新型的磁通门罗经系统的目的就是为了解决这些问题。In order to try to solve these problems , this article studies a new fluxgate compass system.

DP系统从电罗经得到船舶艏向信号,从PME得到船舶位置信号。The system receives the vessel's heading from the gyrocompass, and the vessel's position from a PME.

分别讨论了平台罗经和捷联垂直参考基准提供摇摆数据时前馈稳定的实现方法。Discuss the methods to provide rock data of feedforward of gyrocompass and strap-down inertial system.

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罗经达不到标准,请给我们出具证明以便向船厂索赔。The gyro isn't up to standard. Please give us a certificate so that we can make a claim on the shipyard.

灵敏度不够,船首向改变小于1.5度时,陀螺罗经无反应。The sensitivity is not enough. The gyro compass does not respond when the course changed within 1.5 degrees.

转动主罗经刻度盘到分罗经同一示度,然后装上同步机。Turn graduated disc of main gyro compass to comply with the graduated disc of repeaters. Then install synchro.