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那里有块“禁止停车”的标志牌。There's a sign that says NO PARKING.

禁止在标志牌提示的时间段内转左。Do not turn left during the times shown.

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终端头、中间接头处应挂标志牌。Sign boards should be hung at the joints.

一直走下去直到你看到小径的标志牌。Keep walking until you see a sign for the trail.

店门前,放一块标志牌“代客泊车”。Set up a "Valet Parking" sign in front of the store.

旋转的标志牌在风中打著旋儿。The revolving sign was spinning round and round in the wind.

边境上的大多数地方甚至都没有标志牌,更别提受到保护了。In most places the border is not even marked, let alone protected.

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避让标志牌是白底红边三角形。A yield sign is a triangle with a white background and a red border.

我们印制了大型的标志牌,放在房子的两边,上面写着“克林顿竞选众议员”。We painted big CLINTON FOR CONGRESS signs and put them on both sides of the house.

货车卡在靠近西侧的第三座铁路桥下,桥西还挂着“4.5米”的限高标志牌。The truck was stuck under a railway bridge in the west where a "4.5m high" sign hanging above.

当我下楼,发现楼下没开灯,只有几个紧急出口标志牌之类的亮着,我想我是听见急诊科病房的尽头有什么动静了。When I got down there, there weren’t any lights on other than a few lit exit signs and whatnot.

危机密布的丛林。戈梅里附近被污染土地上警示森林火灾危险的标志牌。“Enemy of the forest.” Near Homyel, signs warn of the danger of forest fires on contaminated land.

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这位女性的男友晚上在这个地区最繁忙的街道上竖立了五个分开的标志牌。The mystery woman's supposed lover erected five separate signs overnight on the area's busiest road.

你想过把你的车子漆成黄色,并在车库门旁的草坪上立一个“出租车”的标志牌。You considered painting your car yellow and posting a “taxi” sign on the lawn next to the garage door.

这些描述是几个有关高速公楼上的交电子通标志牌上显示的信息。These descriptors were messages about conditions on the freeway that would be displayed on electronic signs.

这个弹痕累累锈蚀的可口可尔标志牌向游客表示,欢迎来到摩加迪休这座爆炸性城市。A rusty and bullet-ridden Coca Cola sign gives a telling welcome for visitors to the volatile city of Mogadishu.

它是黄色警告标志牌的完美材料,例如应用于公路铁路…It is the perfect sheeting material for yellow warning signs such as a Railroad Crossing, Stop Ahead, or Chevrons.

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禁锚标志牌的高度可根据设立地点的地形确定,应保证其在航道上可视。The height of the anchoring prohibited signs should be determined by the local landscape and be seeable along the course.

她每天称体重,有时甚至一天称好几次,做标志牌是为了激励她减更多体重。She weighed herself daily, sometimes even more than once a day, and the sign was meant to motivate her to lose more weight.

此标志牌提示两向驶近的车辆,如果标志牌信号灯闪烁时,前方有校车需停车。It informs drivers approaching from both directions that they must stop for a school bus when its signal lights are flashing.