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他用刀叉吃饭。He eats with knife and fork.

我可以要一副刀叉吗?Could I have a knife and fork?

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请给我一副刀叉。Please give me a knife and fork.

他简岂了刀叉…词形变化。he picked up his knife and fork.

别把刀叉碰得咔嗒响。Don't clatter your knives and forks.

刀叉倒是摆得满满的。But they got a lot of forks ' knives.

吃饭时不要把刀叉弄得丁当乱响。Don't clatter your knives and forks at table.

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但是,我现在还不打算放弃刀叉。I shall not be binning the knife and fork just yet.

刀叉、马蹄、打字机的咔嗒声。The clatter of cutlery, horse's hoofs, a typewriter.

我希望我这样说不算无礼,我可以要一副刀叉吗?I hope I'm not rude but could I have a knife and fork?

首先恭喜我吧,又让我找到了一只笔和一副刀叉!Today I found another pen as well as a fork and a knife!

凯琴琳又出现了,端着一盘刀叉。Catherine reappeared, bearing a tray of knives and forks.

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有的人整个手掌都握着把儿,将刀叉抓得紧紧的。Some hold both firmly with the handles covered by the palm.

到吃饭时间了,妈妈将刀叉放在一起。It's time for dinner. Mother keeps the knives with the forks.

我不经常使用刀叉,瞧我笨手笨脚的。I don't use knives and forks very often, look, how clumsy I am.

不要用刀切断沙拉里的生菜,要用刀叉卷着吃。Do not cut lettuce in a salad. Fold it using your knife and fork.

地震将杯盘刀叉震落在地上。The earthquake sent the crockery and cutlery crashing to the ground.

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他们像往常一样,花了整个晚餐的时间试图拿起刀叉。They spend the whole dinner, as usual, trying to pick up their forks.

家庭餐具包括一个银制的大水罐,还有刀叉和汤匙。The family plate included a silver pitcher, and knives, forks and spoons.

在墨西哥,用刀叉吃饭是十分势利的表现。In Mexico, it is considered an almost snobby practice to use a fork and knife.