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年幼的孩子是个牵累。Young children are a tie.

小孩对于她是一种牵累。Children were a tie on her.

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他为负债所牵累。He is encumbered with debts.

她说家务是个牵累。She says the housework is a tie.

他已摆脱了一切个人的牵累。He had put off all personal cares.

我抢先离开了这房间以免牵累。I left the room to forestall involvements.

她终于从一切牵累中解脱出来。At last she was freed from all encumberances.

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他为家庭的各种牵累所烦恼。He was worried by all the cares of the family.

汤姆昨晚深受那桩麻烦事的牵累。Tom was up to his ears in that trouble last night.

美银的消费金融部门至今仍持续牵累整个集团。BofA's consumer operations continue to weigh on it.

那寡妇登了告白注明“无儿女牵累”。The widow advertised herself as "without encumbrance".

政府宣布有牵累的外交官为不受欢迎的人。The government declared the implicated diplomats persona non grata.

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因为我象一个最倒霉和最不吉利的姑娘似的,把你牵累到这个地步。For like a most unhappy and thankful maid , it is I have led you hither.

布朗先生告之艾伦,她拒绝工作会使自己父母受到牵累之苦。Mr. Brown told Ellen that her refusal to work necessitates sending for her parents.

由于血腥的军事牵累不断升级,这将进一步挫伤在西方的支持力量。This will further dent backing in the West for an increasingly bloody military entanglement.

但是,驱使我做出选择的是深思熟虑了谁是令人怜悯的牵累,而我对此发现得太晚了。My choice, however, was prompted by considerations whose essence was, as I realized too late, a piteous compromise.

亚洲股市周二在美国公布低于预期的制造业数据之后受到牵累。Asian stocks suffered Tuesday following the release of weaker than expected manufacturing data from the United States.

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其实每个人都有被他人所牵累,被自己所负累的时候,只不过有些人会及时地调整,而有些人却深陷其中不得其乐。In fact, everyone has to be encumbered by their negative, tired, but some people will timely adjust, while others may be happy in.

如果说埃弗拉德爵士是害怕个人受牵累,这似乎跟他的辉格党领导之间的流传说法不相符合。Nor did for Sir Everard's apprehensions of personal consequence seem to correspond with the reports spread among his Whig neighbours.

但城门失火,殃及池鱼。由于党派之争,国务院负责编制的国际事务预算必然受其牵累,对外援助的资金额度也将大幅跌落。But since it is perceptions that matter in politics, the international-affairs budget of the State Department, the programme under which foreign aid falls, is bound to suffer.