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他既是个兵士,又是个诗人。He is both a soldier and a poet.

兵士们扳起火枪的枪栓准备射击。The soldiers cocked their rifles.

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兵士们在墙下面挖地道。The soldiers undermined the wall.

那名年青兵士拙笨地敬礼。The young soldier saluted awkwardly.

兵士们从右至左报数。The soldiers counted off from right to left.

那个勇敢的兵士宁当玉碎。The fearless soldier would rather die than give in.

大夫仔细检查了兵士的伤口。The doctor exi amined the soldier's wound carefully.

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这时,项羽手下的兵士已经很少,粮食又没有了。He had lost most of his soldiers and run out of food.

兵士们将子弹装入枪膛准备射击。The soldiers charged their guns and prepared to fire.

科学是批示官,实践是兵士。Science is a commander whellole practice is a soldier.

兵士的英勇事迹为他带来了荣耀和称扬。The soldier's brave deeds brought him honor and glory.

营长命令兵士们沿铁轨排开。The battalion commander lined his men along the railway.

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识图趺图是兵士的根底足艺。Map reading and map using are the basic skills of soldiers.

军队中的残疾兵士的比率将会提高。The rate of disabled persons in the army will be increased.

兵士们尚未能适应此种酷寒的气候。The soldiers were not yet seasoned to the rigorous climate.

兵士能及时网络情报,计算数据。Soldiers can collect intelligence and compute data offering.

兵士能实时集合情报,钾瞥缓据。Soldiers can collect intelligence and pute data at any time.

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兵士们被派去征采失落的飞机。The soldiers were sent in a lotrch for the missing aircraft.

迷信是指挥官,推行是兵士。学会家乐学问。Science is a very orderer while properconsumedice is a soldier.

实际上呢,雷加的步队也好不到哪儿去……兵士,盗贼和野性德鲁伊。Bctually, Rehgar's team is a warrior, a rogue and a feral druid.