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深沉的暗紫色。Deep opaque purple.

深沉的红洋李色泽。Deep, plum red in color.

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她用响亮而深沉的声音答话。She boomed out her answer.

它要么深沉,要么根本没有。It runs deep or not at all.

老人以深沉拖长的声音提出了一个问题。The old man bayed a question.

来自古俄罗斯深沉男低。Basso Profondo From Old Russia.

你是汹涌的深沉乐音,我只——是声喊。You are the surge of deep music

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史戴琳探员就是那只深沉的鹞鸽。Agent Starling is a deep roller.

那条船深沉海底。The ship sank deep into the sea.

和内心深处最深沉的嘶吼。And the roar of the deepest heart.

因为我对这土地爱得深沉。It is because I love my land dearly".

夜的静谧,如一盏深沉的灯。The night's silence, like a deep lamp.

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佛文化中凝炼着深沉的茶文化。There is heavy tea culture in Buddhism.

深沉的石榴红色酒体,边缘呈樱桃般的迷人色泽。Intense garnet in color with a cherry rim.

它深沉得如同没有梦境的睡眠。It is dark like a sleep that is dreamless.

而你,当幽黯深沉、苍凉。And thou, when the gloom is deep and stark.

像巨浪一样深沉和痛楚。As deep and as bitter as the billowed main.

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深沉的红宝石色泽略带紫罗兰光泽。A deep ruby red color with tinges of violet.

这是多么深沉、多少感人肺腑的爱啊!This is how deep and how many moving love ah!

宛似幽幽的山谷,把所有心情深沉。Wan Si faint valley, all the feelings of deep.