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第一次三天符合规定的误工为等待期,公司将不会发放这三天的病假期间薪资。The first three qualifying days of absence are waiting days for which SSP is not payable.

如果因病或因伤两天或以上误工且符合规定的,公司将向您支付误工期间的薪资。When you are absent for two or more consecutive days you will be paid SSP by us if you are eligible.

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背痛是由工作引起的能力丧失的最主要的原因,也是误工的最大因素。Back pain is the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed work.

雇员必须在不能工作而出现误工时的第一天以及在最早的时间就通过电话通知公司。You must notify us by telephone on the first day of incapacity and at the earliest possible opportunity.

专家认为,每年人们因为嘶哑而误工造成的产值损失达到几十亿美元。Experts say hoarseness costs several billion dollars a year in lost productivity from people missing work.

本文采用作业时间可压缩的方法来解决单资源调度中的误工问题。In this paper, we consider the delays problems in single resource scheduling with compressible processing time.

本文考虑了单机排序中带可分配工期的总误工问题的应急管理问题。This paper discusses disruption recovery for single machine scheduling with assignable due dates to total tardiness.

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本文研究了成组加工时带可分配工期的误工任务数问题的排序与工期分配。In this paper, we discuss single machine scheduling with assignable due dates to minimize number of tardy tasks in batch processing.

很多管理者发现,把时间定得长宽绰一点很实用,以防误工和出现意外。Many managers find it useful to pad schedules with a little extra time here and there to allow for unanticipated problems or delays.

通过避孕而避免计划外怀孕,从而节省人工流产费用及误工损失,净得效益1053万元。Fuzhou economizes the cost of induced abortion and lose of delay work times by contraception, the net benefit is 1053 ten thousand Yuan.

目标函数是使完工时间,提前完工时间和误工时间的加权和最小。The objective is to determine the optimal due-date and schedule simultaneously to minimize the completion time, earliness and tardiness penalties.

在一般情况下,对目标函数为极小化完工时间平方和与极小化总误工数问题分别给出了最优算法。For the general case, optimal algorithms are presented respectively for minimizing the sum of quadratic completion times and the number of tardy jobs.

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||除非另有同意,如果雇员的误工假超过七天而还不能上班时,最多还可再请一周的误工假。If your incapacity extends to more than seven days you are required to notify us of your continued incapacity once a week thereafter, unless otherwise agreed.

移动CCIE实验室降低了为了参加考试而误工出国所需的昂贵的旅途、酒店、护照、签证等费用。The Mobile CCIE Lab reduces the need for costly travel, hotel, passport, and visa fees, missed days of work and the need to leave the country to take the CCIE Lab exam.

这些工作既能够很好地解释常用的MDD规则的有效性,同时也说明MDD函数可以成为解决单机总误工排序问题的基本工具。These works can explain the efficiency of the commonly used MDD rule very well, and at the same time show that the MDD function can be a fundamental tool for the single machin.

因进城参加武斗而造成的伤亡事故、生产损失、误工补贴,一概由挑动者负责。The instigators shall be held responsible for all casualties and accidents brought about by participation in armed struggle in the cities, losses in production, and compensation for loss of work.

我们认为,可在依法释明后,参照目前公布的本市职工最低工资标准确定其误工费用。We hold that, after lawful explanation, the loss of income due to missed working time may be determined with reference to the currently promulgated minimum wage rate for the employees in this city.