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和粉红色的桃花在一起比美斗艳。In beauty with the pink peach blossom side by side.

中国055型驱逐舰堪比美科幻战舰?China's Type 055 destroyer as good as US Zumwalt-class destroyer?

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加软性饮料口感更佳,可与世界名酒“白兰地”和“威士忌”比美。The taste is like internationally popular wines such as brandy whisky.

唯一比美国债券更实际、更好用的是现金。The only practical, useful alternative to US T-bills and bonds is cash.

中国的人口基数比美国大得多,所以,你可能会认为,在此基础上,他们会排放的二氧化碳会远远的超过美国,但是?China’s population is significantly larger than that of the United States.

恋爱这东西,又无聊又消耗时间的。对我来说,美食比美男更重要。Love is just boring and time-wasting. I prefer delicious food to handsome men.

爱情这东西,又无聊又费时。对我来说,美食比美男更重要。How boring and time-wasting the love is. I prefer beautiful food to a beautiful man.

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研究发现,修长匀称的手臂被认为比美腿更有吸引力。Long, shapely arms are considered more attractive than endless legs, the study has found.

但是,如果中国货只比美国货便宜10块钱,也许你会买美国货。But if the Chinese one is only 10 bucks cheaper than the U.S. one, maybe you'll buy American.

除了模样可以比美其它蔷薇花外,果实也可以实用。May compare favorably with other roses besides the appearance, the fruit may also be practical.

不用改装车载音响,就可以欣赏到音质与MP3、MD、CD等比美的高品质音乐。No need to change any original equipments, you can still enjoy high-quality music same as MP3, CD and MD.

宏村虽不能与周庄水乡比美,但清朗俊雅绝不亚于周庄。Hongcun Although we can not and Zhouzhuang Water Village Bimei, but the cool and bright Junya no way inferior to Zhouzhuang.

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美国国际开发署官员坚持认为测试表明中国产避孕套耐用性比美国产或者其他地方产的避孕套还要好。USAID officials maintain that tests have shown that Chinese condoms hold up well against those made in the US and elsewhere.

这个眇乎小哉的小镇上的雨水比美利坚的任何地点都要多。It rains on this inconsequentiis town more tha very some other vair conditionerine spot in the United Stdined ons of America.

因此,在同样剂量下进行同样的治疗,阿替洛尔的效果要比美托洛尔差,至少在心衰动物模型上如此。So, at the same treatment of the same dose, atenolol does not work as good as metoprolol at least in animals with heart failure.

就大部分零件来说,即使是表面稍弯曲的零件,透明粉末涂层已可与任何透明漆比美。With the majority of parts, namely those with even a slightly curved surface, clear powder coatings are as smooth as any liquid clear.

印度城市厚重的大本营保护着哈拉帕免受洪水和攻击者的伤害,比美索不达米亚最大的金字形神塔还要大。The massive citadels of Indus cities that protected the Harappans from floods and attackers were larger than most Mesopotamian ziggurats.

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接下来他抵达中国,下一站将是韩国,在那里他将与对方探讨北朝鲜核裁军问题,这个议题要比美韩贸易协议的讨论重要的多。His final stop will be South Korea, where talks of disarming North Korea may overshadow discussions on the U.S.-South Korea trade agreement.

在正午的阳光下,东正教堂的金色球顶吸引着人们的注意力,只有身骨挺直的天主教堂那三个蓝色尖顶可以与之比美。In the midday sun, the allure of a golden-globed Orthodox church was matched only by the three blue spires atop the straight-backed cathedral.

通常俄勒冈的黑松果葡萄含多酚的水平更高,欧洲的葡萄酒含的多酚比美国产的更多。Oregon pinot noirs tend to have higher levels of polyphenols and European wines tend to have more polyphenols than American wines, in general.