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它们一定会坠落。They will surely fall.

我们向你致敬,坠落熊2号。We salute you, Falling Bear 2.

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我坠落在一个奇怪的星球。I crash-landed on a strange planet.

没有坠落或吊著的攀登。Climbing without falling or dogging.

攀爬者从极高的中央坠落上去。The climber fell from a great height.

大家猜猜看,坠落,猜得好。Guesses. Falling. That's a good guess.

在阳光里坠地直到太阳坠落下去Break in the sun till the sun breaks down

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熟透的李子和苹果自然会坠落。Plums and apples thoroughly ripe do fall.

上帝坠落于天,狱火渐渐熄灭God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade

挂在床上方较重的像框或镜子,有可能在地震中坠落。Heavy picture frames or mirrors over a bed.

如果我怠慢或粗心,我会坠落。If I am inattentive or careless, I will fall.

它后来坠落在月球上的云海。It later crashed landed in the Sea of Clouds.

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他曾经坠入爱河。现在他只是在坠落罢了。He falled in love once. Now he's just falling.

记住,黑鹰坠落的故事是真的!Remember, Black Widow is down's story is real.

汝之座前,阿泽格陶特坠落王位!AZAG-THOTH is fallen off His Throne before Thee!

每一次我想要飞翔,折损之翼却让我坠落。Everytime I try to fly, I fall without my wings.

坠落的天使,在红尘里快乐凭栏。Fallen angels, in the world of mortals fence sad.

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当天花板坠落在桌面上时,所有课桌椅的桌脚均会断掉。The legs snap when the ceiling falls on the desks.

一枚火箭弹想必就坠落在离自己眼前。A rocket bomb must have dropped quite near at hand.

飞机坠落后烧毁了。The plane was completely burnt out after the crash.