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这就是巴甫洛夫学说。It is Pavlovian.

有这样几个学说There were doctrines.

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或至少是屈从于某种异端学说?Or at least some heresy?

有一个学说称Here's a thought for you.

他们否认他的学说的权威性。They disowned his doctrine.

他创立了一种新学说。He constructed a new theory.

了一种新学说。He has evolved a new theory.

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这门学说的基础很稳固。The theory is well grounded.

他确立了他的学说。He has established his theory.

拉马克学说是很有吸引力的。Lamarck ism is very appealing.

学究铸造新学说。The academics forging new theories.

你是在演讲厅里皈依尼采学说的吗?Were you converted in a lecture-room?

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这个学说体现在很多现象中。There's a lot of demonstrations of this.

他因提出学说而获奖。He wins the prize by propound the theory.

“我从没见过这么大的雪”,王同学说。"I never saw such a big snow, " said Wang.

他因提出该学说而获奖。He won the prize by propounding the theory.

他的学说把许多人诱入歧途。His doctrines have seduced many into error.

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他的学说引诱许多人走上歧途。His doctrines have seduced many into error.

这位生物学家提出了一个有关生命的新学说。The biologist advanced a new theory of life.

加州米拉马大学说它现在已获得认证。California Miramar said it now is accredited.